RE: do you Kaizen?

February 12th, 2012 at 12:32 am +08

Hi Friend,

If you did not read this important email
when I sent out 2 days ago, I suggest
you read this during the weekend.

Have a good weekend.

Talk soon,
Rich Stamford


I love the word Kaizen.

According to Wikipedia, Kaizen
(, Japanese for “continuous improvement”)
is a Japanese philosophy that focuses
on continuous improvement throughout
all aspects of life.

Every small business owner and entrepreneur
in general MUST apply Kaizen throughout
their entrepreneurial career.


Entrepreneurs are dynamic in nature
(or at least, they should be...)

Are you?

You have to keep up with changes
in the niche you are in and
in the global business world.

Today, thanks to the Internet, information
streams very quickly, catching unaware
and non-Kaizen entrepreneurs off guard.

This results in poor business performance
and competitive edge.

Today, you should focus and not
to grab any more opportunities, but
to survive the competition.

If others use blog for marketing,
you should blog, too.

If others use facebook, for marketing,
you should facebook, too.

Today, you should be active in social
media to collaborate and network with
fellow forward-minded entrepreneurs –
this way, you keep your competitive
edge sharp, while getting precious
information that will come to you
sooner or later almost for free!

You should be wise in discerning tech

Owning an iPhone is cool, but is it
useful to you?

Owing a gadget doesn’t make you tech-savvy.

Using your gadget to the max with a
visible improvement in productivity
is what tech-savvy all about.

What if you don’t want to continuously improve?

You might said, “Well, I can hire people that
are more knowledgeable than me in order for me
to stay competitive.”

Not entirely wrong, as hiring people that
can add value to your business is one of
the essentials in entrepreneurship.

However, hiring smart people without
improving yourself in every facet of
your personal and business life can
have you, like I mentioned above,
caught unguarded.

Your best employee can be your next
competitor with the ability to
literally swallow your business
as he/she can grasp your core
business well and continuously
learn to improve him/herself.

Now it's the chance for you to KAIZEN!

Let's Kaizen NOW

Talk soon,
Rich Stamford
