(Part 2) Stuck? Here's an Easy solution. (Must Read)

February 7th, 2012 at 11:43 pm +08


If you missed Part 1 of the email,
don't worry… go back to your inbox
to read Part 1.

The subject line is:
(Read This Immediately) As it only happen ONCE every 4 years!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You need to read Part 1 in order to
understand this part of the email.
It's the same as watching Lord of Rings
in the cinema.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ask you a question, if owning and
especially GROWING an online business
today is as hard as finding a needle
in the deep blue sea...

How do you conquer this mission
impossible task in order to be

How I define successful for an
online business?

"Successful = Money in your Bank Account"


Did you check your bank account balance
yesterday while going to the ATM machine
to draw money?

Today is the 1st week of the month.

Do you encounter that just after you get
a monthly paycheck from your boss and
when you bank in... the next day, your
bank account suddenly shrink into half
or even 1/4... just for paying bills,
bills and billssssssssssssssssss...

Then now you are thinking with stars
spinning around your head.

"For the next 3 weeks, How am I going to survive?"

So when you went in to a nice restaurant,
or some of you don't even think of
walking into a nice restaurant...

Because once you enter, your wallet
will blow up another massive HUGE Hole.

You know what this HUGE hole is for?

It's a gateway to the restaurant cashier
money box.

It's like water gushing out from a
running tap.

In order to stop it, you need to turn
the tap off as fast as possible.

That's why if you only have left 1/2
of the paycheck in your bank, I strongly
suggest you not to step into any nice
restaurant to eat!

Let's say you choose to go food court
or hawker stall for a cheaper alternative
to eat.

I'm sure 80% of the time, you would
not look at the food you like to eat

Instead you would look at the price
tag and let the price tags to control
what to eat today.

Did I say guess correctly?

If you agree with me what I say...

That's great!

Why I can know what you are thinking
very well?

Because I was like you, 4 years ago.
I'm not born rich. I am like you have
to go through the school system to get
a good degree in order to get a job and
survive from paycheck to paycheck so
that my family and I can stay alive.

I experience this situation so many times.
It's like a hamster running in a running wheel.

It's a vicious cycle.

It's damn scary. It just happen months
after months.

Before you know it, it's 3 years already.
Some of my friends experience 5 years.

What most scary is that my parents experience
50 years already... since they are born.


I got to know this mastermind partner
whom I respect and learn from the most.

Hi is _______________________________

I know him through this LIFE CHANGING Event

_____________   _______________  _____________

One of the secrets that he reveal and has
changed my ENTIRE LIFE is...


I got an urgent appointment with my training
buddy for a gym session.

I have put on quite a bit of weight since I
started making money online.

I have to  keep up the training schedule in
order to lose weight.

In my next few emails, I will pull back the
curtains on who my master partner is and what
this Life Changing Event is...

So you'll want to make sure you devour my
upcoming emails.

Talk to you soon,
Rich Stamford

P.S. Friend, Don't miss my upcoming email.
Subject line: ??????????

Sorry I still not sure what my subject line is.
When I send out you will know. cheers.
