It's almost cheating...

August 22nd, 2012 at 4:00 pm +08

Hi Friend,

It's taken a little 'testing' and
'tweaking' to discover the formula.....

==> Access Here

....but after extensive scientific
calculations and having some of the
smartest math minds in the world
working our on 'money metrics'....

...we've got it.

 And we now know exactly how to create a....

- $1,000 a week income
- $10,000 a month income
- $100,000 a month income

...and so on.

==> Access Here


Most "gurus" tend to speak in unspecific

Which sounds theory.

But works like crap in real life.

Which is why after listening to
the 'gurus' and 'talking heads'
pitch deal after deal, jump from
company to company, and have a
different philosophy each week
about how they're going to help
people break free from the bondage
of poverty....

...their bank account is still
sitting on empty... an old rusted out gas tank.

Well, that all


We've got a formula we've dissected
and tested that works - and we can
prove it works.... every time it's
The best part is, no matter what
your goals are in your business,
this formula will help you get

And it will do it:

Without you jumping through hoops.

Or recruiting 100 people a day.

Or needing 200,000 people in your
"downline" to make six bucks.

It's actually....

Really simple.

Anyone can do it.

And it works.
(really good)

Every time it's applied.

The only questions is.....

Will you do it?

Or will you continue to 'grind' for
tiny commissions selling overpriced
products that you don't whole heartily
believe in?
We've all done it.
But some of us have broke through to the
other side.
The grass is MUCH greener on this side.
More so than anything I've ever done before.
And MUCH easier.
And MUCH more simple.

So .....what wait?

Go Here and Swipe Our Formula

After you're "in", we'll send you an
email with a link to our private Facebook
group where we'll give you access to
regular marketing tricks and support.


We'll continue to help you build your business!

You want this.


You're going to love it :-)

Here's The Link You Need

Get movin....

Talk soon,
Rich Stamford

P.S. Obviously this formula only applies
when you actually apply it .

So that means you can't actually sit
on the side lines and get rich quick.

Although I personally believe when
you work hard, apply good metrics
that actually convert your effort
into money ...and have a good formula
to follow (the hard part), you can
get rich quicker.

That's just my experience.

Here's a few additional rules to live
by (I do):

- Always be selling

- Work your butt off

- Don't be a hater

- Apply good math formulas and metrics to your business

- Try and surround yourself with the smartest people that you can

- And take responsibly for all your crap (aka: don't be a wussy)

And my personal favorite:

Just Get In :-)

Stay real.
