Holy Smokes! Find 36 Thousand Keywords in Less Than 5 Minutes

September 8th, 2013 at 4:00 pm +08

Hey Friend,

My friend Brendan Mace wants you to...

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... Discover how to do keyword research
properly for nothing.

No software or tool is needed.

Just 5 minutes of your time.

To Check out Keyword Reserach on Steroids, click below:

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So, why should you focus on Long tail

Well, Chris Anderson who wrote,
"The Long Tail" for Wired Magazine
back in 2006 essentially said that
the future is not in the megahits
(think 1 big keyword) but in the
millions of niche markets at the
shallow end (think lots of little
long tail keywords).

In fact, it has been shown time and
time again that the millions of
small long tail keywords actually
get MUCH more search traffic
overall than the few big keywords
at the top.

So, these small little keywords
actually provide a couple of distinct
advantages over trying to rank for
1 big search term.

First, they are much less-competitive.
Second, they actually get more search traffic.

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This is why doing keyword research
is so vitally important to your online

If you choose keywords that
are too difficult, you will never rank
because the competition is just too
fierce in Google and other search engines.

But if you do your keyword research
properly up front and choose to
provide content around those
terms, then you can find your
website ranking much quicker
and easier for the long tail phrases.

Check out how to find 36 THOUSAND Keywords in less than
5 minutes!

---->> > Click here for Keyword Research on Steroids << <----

Enjoy and as always...
Have fun!

Keep Smiling, : p
And Please... don't give up!

Rich Stamford

PS - This is only for you my best subscribers who
loyally open and read my emails. Thanks again!
---->> > Click here for Keyword Research on Steroids << <----

