F.REE! All Done For You. Have Your First List & Sale in 48 Hrs, Friend

May 19th, 2012 at 4:00 pm +08

Hi Friend,

My friend Stephen Lau used this
to build his first list and make
his first sales commission within
48 hours as a complete & total newbie.

Watch Video now

Watch out for the free video at
the end of the report and a subsequent
free video that shows step by step
how this system actually works.

Brief Summary:

Fastest way is through the same
affiliate marketing link Stephen Lau
uses everyday with an all already
done for you squeeze page.

Go through the free report and
bonus videos to learn the simple

A couple of really good ones to
choose from.

Copy & paste your autoresponder
code (with click by click instructions)
or if you have no autoresponder
use the one already done for you
option to get an instant list.

It is crucial to switch to your
own autoresponder to control your
list once you are off to the races.

Watch out how you can use the same
all done for you one time offer
to make money while building your

(This part is critical if you want
to make a sale within 48 hours and
keep on making money on auto pilot
while you are building a list.)

Watch Video Now

There you have it – the ultimate
cheat sheet and short cut.

You can spend at least 6 months
full-time to study HTML, domain
registration & dns transfer, frontpage,
ftp, autoresponders, squeeze page
generation, productcreation, OTO,
up sell, down sell, bum sell, cross sell, 
photoshop, Wordpress, SEO, PPV,PPC,
facebook apps & reveal page, youtube,
video marketing, link cloaking, PLR,
MRR, rebranding, banners, Google adwords
research, plugins, exit popups, ad swaps,
traffic and article marketing spinner
that would make most heads spin just
to get to the starting block.


you can take the take the proven
all done for you lightning bolt
system to shortcut your success
like Usain Bolt.

Watch Video Now

This is highly valuable content
especially if you are still struggling
to get your first list and sale
which is going to totally change
your frame of mind.

This is as easy as it gets.

You will be ahead of more than 90%
of all internet marketers just by
following through this alone.

I have no control on how long this
is going to be available.

So I would advise you to grab it
now while you can.

Best part is the report and videos
are f.ree.

Watch Video Now

Wishing you internet marketing

Talk soon,

Rich Stamford

Watch Video Now

P.S. If you are too busy, I suggest
that you  download it into your
computer under listbuilding and
read it later before it is taken

Please save the first email you
receive because it contains
important links that are crucial
for your success.

Also for traffic I suggest you use
solo ads from Safeswaps for instant
result, which was excatly what I
did for traffic to get my first sale
and build my first list.
