End of world? Decemeber 21, 2012

February 4th, 2012 at 8:54 pm +08

Hi Friend,

It's Rich Stamford here.

This is Year 2012.

Have you heard about December 21, 2012?

It's the END of world?

I not sure about this. Do you?

But with all the Natural Disasters
happening these few months...

What do you think?

This month is February.

10 more months left before the
"END of World".

So what would you do before
it really happen?

This I have personally set a
target for this 10 months.

I would want to make 1 million
in online sales and travel around
the world before this beautiful
world disappear into thin air.

So whatever I send out in my email
or training will lead you to
make at least 1 million sales

So whatever I sent out will of

With that… I would like to move
towards 2012 with "like-minded"
friends and subscribers.

Here's what I am going to do…

I want to clear off my subscribers
list with the right people.

If the below fits you, I want you
to click on the unsubscribe link at
the end of this email.

* You don't want to receive any more of my emails

* You are sick of internet business

* You are not interested in learning more new things from me

* You want to focus on other things instead of your internet business

* Or you simply just don't want to hear from me anymore...

If the above fits you, just click
on the unsubscribe link at the end
of the email.

This way, you will be out of my mailing
list FOREVER and I get to clean out
my subscriber lists with people who are
interested in receiving my emails.

If you choose to get out...

I wish you all the best for your future.

If you are still in... Look out for my
next email as I have prepared a free gift
for you.

Whichever way you choose, I respect your decision!

If you are in, go to this page now to
do a whitelist.

Make sure you always receive my email.

Instruction Here:
==> http://www.instantclickmoney.com/whitelist.html

Talk soon,
Rich Stamford
