Subject: Wake UP Happy Masterclass - Details! [Soul Nav Challenge]

Wake UP Happy Masterclass - Details! [Soul Nav Challenge]

May 18th, 2017 at 6:30 am EDT

Hello beautiful!!! Super excited for today's Masterclass on how to Wake UP Happy! Yay!!!!! Here's how you can take part......Please click the following link: Once you submit....the ac ...

Wake UP Happy Masterclass! [Soul Nav Challenge]

May 16th, 2017 at 11:15 am EDT

Good morning! I hope you are fabulous and well! Have you had a chance to final all 7 days??? In case you missed an email or live FB session.....I've included the links below to each email for safe keeping in your inbox! And....for our Wake UP Happy ...

Happy Mother's Day! Honouring the Divine Mother Energy!

May 14th, 2017 at 1:05 pm EDT

Happy Mother's Day! Sending a quick and loving message to ALL of celebration of the Divine Mothering Energy and essence within us all! And a VERY HAPPY LOVING BEAUTIFUL Mother's Day to all you gorgeous mamma's out there! I want you to know ...

You made it! Day 7 of the Soul Navigation Challenge!

May 13th, 2017 at 7:00 am EDT

Hi Friend!!!! You made it! Day 7 of our Soul Navigation Challenge! How has it been? Challenging, easy, flowing, expansive??? I'd LOVE to hear from YOU! What major aha has stood out for you? What practice did you entertain that made a tangible shift f ...

Can you believe....Day 6 already?! [Soul Nav Challenge]

May 12th, 2017 at 7:00 am EDT

Hi Friend!!!! Here we are....Day 6 of the Soul Nav Challenge already! How is your practice unfolding??? Today's topic is one that is VERY much a part of my life now! Something that has changed my life in sooooo many beautiful and heart-expanding ways ...

Welcome to Day 5! [Soul Navigation Challenge]

May 11th, 2017 at 7:00 am EDT

Happy Thursday! Excited to continue our conversation about creating total goodness and awesomeness! Today for our Soul Nav Challenge....we're going to create a new and improved blueprint for your physical body and health!!!!! Yay!!!! I LOVE talking a ...

WOW! Day 4 already! Today we're traveling into the realm of meditation & mindfulness!

May 10th, 2017 at 7:00 am EDT

Hi Friend Today's Soul Nav Challenge takes us deeper into meditation & mindfulness! Two fundamental practices that are near and dear to my heart....AND essential in my spiritual practice that REALLY help me stay aligned....especially in times of tro ...

The Meditations thus far for Soul Navigation Challenge

May 9th, 2017 at 5:16 pm EDT

Hiya! How is your day unfolding??? Are you seeing abundance everywhere as yet??? Sending a quick email with links to the meditations I've share thus far! Some have mentioned they weren't able to access some of them.... Day 1 - Higher Self: Click Her ...

Day 3!!! Today we are expanding into creation & manifesting!

May 9th, 2017 at 7:05 am EDT

Hi Friend!!!! How is your week unfolding??? I'm LOVING the posts that are circulating around Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! We REALLY are lighting up the internet waves!!!....and people are getting curious as to what we're each doing! I'm really ex ...

Day 1 & 2 case you've just joined the Soul Navigation Challenge!

May 8th, 2017 at 11:39 pm EDT

In case you missed the email or are just joining us.....Here's a quick recap of Day 1 & 2!!!.... DAY 1 To kick-off our Soul Nav Challenge.....I figure....go BIG or go HOME! And....being ...