Subject: The twins arrived and are already 3 weeks! (life update)

The twins arrived and are already 3 weeks! (life update)

September 24th, 2018 at 11:14 am EDT

Hi Friend :) How are you? How is life unfolding for you? I apologize that I haven't been in touch in over 3 weeks.....We've been living a BIG beautiful life!....With our newly expanded family!!!!.....On VERY little sleep (avg 3-4 hrs a night for th ...

See you in 5 min!!!! - 5 Day Healing Challenge!

August 20th, 2018 at 12:00 pm EDT

Excited to "see" you soon online! 5 min on our beautiful FB Group!!!! Today we are talking about Healing the Body! Grab and notebook and pen! Tara Sent to you from my "smartphone" with love!

The FREE 5 Day Healing Challenge / Experience starts TODAY!

August 19th, 2018 at 9:51 am EDT

Good morning Beautiful!!!! Sending a short .....quick....sweet reminder that the FREE 5 Day Healing Challenge / Experience starts TODAY! At noon EST! Live on Facebook! There's still time to participate :) and elevate....transform....UPlift your lif ...

The Final Stretch of Creation! How to Sail Through to Completion!

August 14th, 2018 at 7:03 pm EDT

Hi Friend :) How are you?? And how are you feeling after ALL the BIG and powerful energy shifts from the full moon, new moon and eclipses??!! What a strong, intense and transformative ride we've been on! I'm finally feeling the energy lift the past 2 ...

Did you know we lived in our grandmother cellularly for 5 months!?

August 6th, 2018 at 9:47 pm EDT

Hi Friend :) Happy post weekend (long weekend for those in Canada)! I hope you are feeling more aligned and internally clear after all the cosmic sandwiching we've been experiencing.....wowzers! What an emotional roller coaster for sooooooo many. Bef ...

How are you feeling in this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse???

July 28th, 2018 at 5:26 pm EDT

Hi Friend :) Happy weekend!!!! Wanted to send a quick message to see how you're feeling in this Full Moon in Aquarius Lunar Eclipse??? So many people around the world have been reporting (from what I see on FB and Instagram) the waves of emotions, ...

Slowing it all down.....and if you're interested...Channeling Circle starts this Thursday!

July 17th, 2018 at 7:11 pm EDT

Hi Friend! How are you??? I can't believe it has been a few weeks since I emailed you last....WOW! Time sure does fly. A quick little baby-pregnancy update before I share some loving insights to shift and lift your world....last week my parents were ...

Toronto Premier of LEAP-The Coaching Movie with Jack Canfield!

July 3rd, 2018 at 9:15 am EDT

Hi Friend :) How are you??? How was your weekend? For the first time in a long time we celebrated Canada Day at home....enjoying the coolness of the air conditioning....Boy peeps weren't kidding when they said pregnant women can't take extreme heat.. ...

Be really kind, loving and gentle with yourself.....

June 26th, 2018 at 2:22 pm EDT

Hello beautiful! I hope you had a sweet and loving weekend 😊 We are on our way back to Barrie from a wonderful weekend up north with family and friends (twin baby shower)....sunshine and mama's home-cooked food....and some chill beach t ...

Help! I created a monster!

June 20th, 2018 at 7:01 pm EDT

Hi Friend :) How are you beautiful? Have you ever had one of those moments when you've witnessed your own crazy, wild (and perhaps not so enjoyable) manifestations unfold before your very eyes??? I had this exact experience this past week....after a ...