Subject: It's time to get resourceful & ground your gifts.....

It's time to get resourceful & ground your gifts.....

March 21st, 2020 at 11:24 am EDT

Hi are you? How is your Spirit? I've been holding you in my thoughts, prayers and meditations..... During this time of incubation (that's what I'm calling the isolation's all about the subtle and powerful mind shifts!).... ...

How to strengthen your immune and energy system during the C-virus....

March 16th, 2020 at 11:24 pm EDT

Hello beautiful :)How are you? How are you holding UP during this global time of change??? It has been wild. Since arriving back from Mexico life has been a strange adventure....and definitely not what we expected upon return to Canada. Thankfully... ...

Be gentle right now....

February 23rd, 2020 at 2:56 pm EDT

Hello beautiful! How are you? Wowzers....are we moving through some BIG things right now! I keep hearing it from clients, students and friends...."Gosh, what the heck is going on? Everything feels so intense right now." Yes....we are being Mercury Re ...

Come rain or shine....lightening and no internet....

February 19th, 2020 at 5:55 pm EDT

Happy Wednesday Friend!!!!I had a good laugh a few weeks ago....while attempting to record/film my interview with Deborah Hurwitz (of the Productivity for Perfectionists Series).... We had crazy, wild thunder, lightening and rain storms down here in ...

Count me in the LOVE-Loop!!!!

February 15th, 2020 at 8:48 am EDT

Happy post LOVE-Day Friend!!! How are you? How was your Valentine's Day???? We had a blast yesterday! It started with a LOVE-celebration in our Facebook group (Path to Ascension Circle)....We had a dance party, a little chat about expanding Valenti ...

First official week of your NEW YEAR!....How is it unfolding??

January 6th, 2020 at 12:19 pm EDT

Hi Friend!How is your NEW YEAR unfolding?? We are officially into the first week! Are you feeling strong? Aligned? Clear? Excited? Or something else entirely....? People can put so much pressure on themselves around the New Year....wanting to release ...

UPDATED Day & Time - New Year's Evolution Workshop!

December 30th, 2019 at 4:31 pm EDT

Hi FriendAlmost ringing in the New Year!!!! How are you feeling? Are you ready?! Have you been reflecting on 2019 yet? Starting to set intentions for 2020?? We just arrived in the Hamilton area....getting ready to fly out on the 1st early morning! ...

New Year's Evolution Workshop! (details inside)

December 29th, 2019 at 6:00 pm EDT

Hi FriendFinally sending details about the upcoming New Year's Evolution Workshop! Apologies for the short notice...... Join us for this POW-er-FULL 2 hour workshop where you'll ge ...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & New Moon Energy Today!!

December 26th, 2019 at 2:02 pm EDT

Merry Christmas Happy Holidays Friend!I hope your holiday season has provided exactly what you needed this year....loving and love-filled....cozy and warm.....soothing and restful......and/or playful and joyous. For us it has been restful, loving, ...

BIG changes and instant manifestations are happening!

November 11th, 2019 at 8:33 am EDT

Happy Monday Friend!!!How are you this morning??? Feeling alive, well, aligned and ready to consciously create your week?!! Or....been moving through some stuff and feeling like you'd rather stay in bed and cozy up in your blankets and sleep through ...