Subject: What's shakin' this Labour Day? (Free meditation inside!)

What's shakin' this Labour Day? (Free meditation inside!)

September 2nd, 2019 at 9:02 am EDT

Hi FriendAre you taking time to rest and recharge? Busy with back-to-school? Enjoying time with friends and family? Whatever is shakin' in your world I hope that you feel filled UP, supported, loved, joy-filled, aligned and flowing with beautiful goo ...

The "Please and Thank You" of Creation! What works best?

August 22nd, 2019 at 8:22 am EDT

Hi Friend! How are you? We just passed through a doozy week or so with the kidlets....fevers, late nights, little sleep, teething and growth spurts! What a crazy, wild, stretch-and-test-the-limits ride! Sooooooo much growth! Soooooooo many insights t ...

Fastest way to allow wishes to come true!

August 8th, 2019 at 6:19 pm EDT

Hey there!In case you missed it....or weren't able to register for last night's healing hour....YOU WILL LOVE IT! And can still access the recording! It was super powerful! Here's what one of the students said about it this morning, "Tara, still fee ...

Friend! Today IS THE DAY! Are you.....

August 7th, 2019 at 8:18 am EDT

Hi Friend!!!(keeping things short n' sweet today) Today IS THE DAY! A day....a opportunity....where YOU get to shift, lift, shed and heal! Are you ready?! Ready to let go of the ick and stick? Ready to release tensions, old patterns, li ...

Sunday....Healing, Soothing, Nurturing....

August 4th, 2019 at 8:28 pm EDT

Hi Friend.....Happy Sunday : ) All the wee ones are taking a nap (a rare thing these days!), Gabriel was on a client call, and I had a lovely moment to meditate for 20 minutes uninterrupted! Soooooooo sweet, loving, healing and nurturing! I cried, I ...

How long do you want to sit in something?

July 22nd, 2019 at 1:45 pm EDT

Hi Friend!How are you feeling today? We are in Big White, British Columbia....7606 feet elevation...and the energy UP here is AH-mazing! Sooooooo still and expansive! I can't wait to channel all this high vibe goodness into ...

Biz Owners & Entrepreneurs....this one is for YOU!

July 16th, 2019 at 4:35 pm EDT

(if you're may want to delete / skip over this email)....This email is for all the creatives, entrepreneurs and biz owners out there! As you know....starting a business or stepping into your soul's work in the world is THE MOST exciting, ex ...

Friend, Have you ever had a card or psychic reading?

July 8th, 2019 at 7:30 am EDT

I'll Hi Friend Have you ever had a card or psychic reading? Did it leave you feeling empowered and clear? Or sad, disappointed or frustrated? Being able to "read" anothers path is remarkable and holds a HUGE responsibility! A responsibility I've alwa ...

Hey Friend! What if you could....

July 3rd, 2019 at 7:30 am EDT

Hi Friend!Spirit was having a little chat with me this morning while meditating....They asked, "What if you could wake UP every day with clarity in your mind, focused intent in your thought, love and appreciation in your heart, and a feeling of Spiri ...

Happy Canada Day!🍁Blessings YOUR way!

July 1st, 2019 at 1:00 pm EDT

Hello beautiful! Sending a short and sweet message your way on Canada Day!!!!! May you be loved! May you be blessed! May your heart be filled to overflow today and everyday! May you know abundance! May you experience daily miracles amd magic! You a ...