Subject: Your 72 Hour Replay of "BIG Beautiful Life" Masterclass!

Your 72 Hour Replay of "BIG Beautiful Life" Masterclass!

June 13th, 2018 at 11:56 pm EDT

Hi Friend! WOW! WOW! WOW! What a wonderfully powerful, tapped in, energizing night / masterclass!!!!! I'm still buzzing.....with vision....with clarity.....with Source-Force.....with clarity around next steps.....and with the loving support of this N ...

FREE Masterclass! Your BIG Beautiful Life! {Special Invite}

June 10th, 2018 at 8:07 am EDT

Good morning Friend and HAPPY SUNDAY!!!! How are you feeling this bright and beautiful day???I'm off to Toronto for another fab day of high vibe, soulful biz immersion!!!!! I'm co-facilitating a wonderful, hands-on, get systems in place for Soulful ...

Are you a Superwoman / Superman? this could be slowing your life down.....

June 6th, 2018 at 8:30 am EDT

Hi Friend :) Do you ever feel like Superwoman or Superman??? Do you ever feel like you can and have to do it all? All on your own? All by yourself? I hosted a powerful FB Live yesterday that speaks directly to this (you can watch it by clicking HERE ...

Universe.....Direction please?! How do I know I'm on the "right" path and making the "right" decisions?

June 2nd, 2018 at 8:26 am EDT

Hi Friend :) How are you today??? Have you ever found yourself asking or saying, "Universe / Creator / God.....Can you PLEASE give me some direction? Some guidance....some sign to let me know that I'm on the "right" track? Because right now, I have n ...