Subject: BIG steps to receive BIG reward! {16 hrs left to use your acceletor code!}

BIG steps to receive BIG reward! {16 hrs left to use your acceletor code!}

July 9th, 2017 at 9:09 am EDT

Good morning Friend and HAPPY SUN-day!!!! I LOVE Sundays.....they remind me to get centered, connect inward and UP, enjoy family time and take it easy!!!! What's your favourite part of Sundays??? I'm off to Toronto to teach a Reiki 2 class :) and wan ...

Imagine you were free from abundance struggles, limitations & blocks....what would your life look like?

July 7th, 2017 at 11:12 pm EDT

Hello Friend!!!! It has officially been 24 hrs since our POW-er-FULL Abundance Masterclass last night and I wanted to check in with you and see how you're feeling.....And....have you had a chance to listen to the replay? I highly recommend that you ...

"Bless YOU"!!!

July 7th, 2017 at 4:27 pm EDT

Hi Friend!!!! (sending a quick blessing your way for the weekend!) I first want to say....."BLESS YOU!".....and not because you sneezed.... : ) Because I REALLY want to bless YOU!....Send YOU LOVE, goodness, blessings, joy and pure light!!! Just rec ... fixed for the next Masterclass....(re previous email)

June 28th, 2017 at 8:37 pm EDT

Hi Friend.....Apologies.... ....just noticed the registration form on my website isn't working properly.....You could fill your name and email....but the "submit" button wasn't working.... The link on the site is fixed now....and if you've already re ...

Why some people find manifesting difficult.....

June 28th, 2017 at 6:14 pm EDT

Dearest Friend! How are you today??? Sending a short note your way before the weekend begins..... We're getting packed up and ready to head up north to my parent's place for the Canada Day long weekend! Amazing to think that officially...."Canada" ha ...

Moving through fear {Insights from Sedona}

June 21st, 2017 at 3:51 pm EDT

Hi Friend! How are you this loving day??? Aria and I arrived back from Sedona around 2 am Monday/Tuesday and have been resting A LOT after our wonderful adventure and retreat! Sooooo many insights and profound awareness are still trickling in as we i ...

Reminder about tonight's special Sedona Meditation (only $30 to attend!)

June 15th, 2017 at 3:35 pm EDT

Hello beautiful! Sending a quick email to say HELLO from SEDONA!!! It is stunning here! WOWEE!!!! Wanted to send a little reminder about tonight's special LIVE online Meditation from Sedona!!!! It's only $30 to attend...and even if you can't make the ...

Receive some Sedona energy!!!! (while I'm there!)

June 13th, 2017 at 3:28 pm EDT

Hello bright and shiny soul!!!!! How are you???? Enjoying the onset of summer!? I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year! Everything bursting with energy, life, colour and fragrant aromas in the air! I'm using all that beauty today to remind myself to brea ...

New content we think you'll like!....

June 12th, 2017 at 5:21 pm EDT

Hello beautiful!!!! I hope you are fabulous and enjoying today! Here in Barrie, Ontario Canada.....the breeze is warm, the flowers are brilliantly exploding with colour and fragrance....and it's awesome to finally be able to throw on a summer dress a ...

Checking in re the upcoming Acceleration Day!

May 30th, 2017 at 6:26 pm EDT

Hi Friend! I hope you're having a beautiful and loving day! Just wanted to follow-up with your interest in the Manifestation & Creation VIP Intensive Day...coming "UP" in June!!!!!....See if you had any questions.....wanted additional information??? ...