Subject: Your Power to Change the Past....Now....Let's End the Cycle!

Good morning love,
I normally wouldn't send an email this soon after a newsletter....however after chatting with a dear friend, Kayleigh Dunn, about ALL that has exploded and happened over this past weekend....WE both agreed that it would be extremely helpful to give YOU some INSIGHT as to what the heck is going on out there, in here, astrologically and energetically.

So many people have reached out to me in the past 3 days alone....all commenting on how terrible, confused, conflicted, constricted and stressed they are...seeking clarity and guidance.

I, too, just passed through a thick veil of sh* of the most intense re-birthing processes I've gone through in a LONG time. At first I thought I was just tired and was PMSing....but then after 3 days of utter deflation, overwhelm and confusion.....There was a major emotional blowout...not to mention the almost-blowing-out a tire on our vehicle, which required IMMEDIATE ATTENTION!

Such learning and INSIGHT from the "THING" that happen around us....ALL THE TIME!

Think about a vehicle for a second....especially the tires. They have a certain amount of tread on them....that can take you along the journey for only so many kilometers (or miles...depending on where you are in the world ; ) and then they are DONE, kaput. I'll use my case as a GREAT teaching that is TOTALLY applicable to what's happening energetically right now for so many of us. I knew the tires were wearing...I knew their time was nearing...the old needed to be replaced SOON! I wasn't sure how much longer they could push through.....I intuitively felt not long. In fact, while driving I was starting to get flashes of a tire blowing. Our intuition does this for us a kilometer signs on the road letting us know how to prepare for fuel, pee breaks, etc until our destination. It's UP TO US to pay attention or ignore.

In this situation I was subtly ignoring....I'd say, "I'll get to it soon. Angels help me...surround the car with light. Get me to my destination safely. We need a little extra time financially to get the tires replaced." Hoping for another few days....before the inevitable was at hand and change was to happen.

In life, I feel we're given the "heads-up" for change, the next move, our Soul's evolution many miles before it's "time" to take the leap or take action.....To prepare us and make any transition easier for us. When we listen and follow the signs, the ride is smooth, beautiful, and maybe even breath-taking....We arrive at our destination with ease, safely, happy and ready! When we ignore, delay or hold onto the old, worn ways we delay and hold-up our own growth and can cause the journey to feel rattled, unsettled, uneasy, shaky or wobbly. In our case, with worn tires, wobbly was an understatement....and on snow-covered roads....all I can say is YIKES. We weren't going anywhere....halted....stopped in our tracks until we dealt with what needed to be "fixed" and paid attention to....NOW!...Not tomorrow....NOW! The message (today ;) is loud and clear, "Stop, reset, change the old, let go, open to receive in whatever way it shows up, realign, get a fresh focus and then get back on the road. It will be a clearer and much smoother ride....we promise."

You see, the choice is ALWAYS ours to make. Spirit / Your Higher Self / Your Intuition is always speaking to you. We simply need to refine our listening and open to receive. The next step, guidance, clarity and the refinement is always ready for us. This is WHY I LOVE MEDITATION SOOOOOOO MUCH! It is a powerful, easy, simple resource and practice that we have available to us, anytime, anywhere....that can help us on soooo many levels!

I've created a SPECIAL MEDITATION EVENING ONLINE to help you clear the clutter of the old, talk about what the heck is going on energetically and why soooooo much stuff is coming up, how you can clear it easily and then we'll meditate together to tap into our higher self, higher vision and return to total clarity so that our path is easy, beautiful, flowing and smooth!

Thursday, March 26th from 7 - 8:30 pm EST....Once you register, an email with login details will be sent to you!
$20 + HST
A recording will be available!
I am happy to moving through ALL the triggers and ooooold belief systems that were slowing my ride....and after getting the tires changed, with the loving help and support of my family, it feels SOOOOO GOOD! I feel ready to meet the road with fresh energy, new perspectives, clear vision around what's next and where I'm going. I feel like I not only got new tires....I also received a new manual on how to drive my life and business, a new GPS to help guide me to my next Soulful destination, and an entirely new way to see the world (especially financial and life path) around me!
I hope you can join me on this Thursday's meditation! It's going to BE POWERFUL!!!!!

You are always held in clarity and love at this end!

Tara Antler
Author of "The Healing Manual - A Guide to Healing"
body-mind-spirit expert, intuitive, love-ignitor, international speaker, meditation facilitator, clarity coach

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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