Subject: Your Masterclass Recording

Good morning Friend!
Sending a quick share the link for the replay Masterclass from last night! It was truly loving, insightful, nurturing and inspiring!!!!

Let me know what you think and how you feel after watching.....

Here's your private link (as part of your Soul Nav 8.0 Membership):
And here's a little written recap on the steps......

First....take a deep breath.'ve heard it before....AND it is soooo important. When we're stressed, when a challenge arises....our lungs, chest and energy field constricts. This tightens the chest, shallows our breathing, slows blood flow and oxygen....which in turn negatively affects our entire body, hormones and mood. Plus, the shrinking in our energy field causes a "cut-off" feeling from Source and we tend to feel more alone, lost and isolated. Sooooo.....BREATHE! Let everything open back UP! something to connect inward and UP! This is when your spiritual practice is of utmost importance! Often when crap hits the fan....a particular part of the mind starts asking, "Why? Why me? How am I going to deal with this?" Without a spiritual practice the challenge can seem and feel insurmountable....impossible. When we feel connected to the Divine.....we feel like we can face and move through anything! And very often ideas and solutions as to how to move through the challenge. You'll also feel immense, loving support move through you! (as a side note....if you're not sure of your spiritual practice or would like to cultivate one more deeply, please message me....or take advantage of $9 a month membership! There's sooooo much good stuff in there to help you!)

Third....get connected! Please don't do this alone. There's nothing worse that trying to move through something alone. Reach out, connect to your family and friends or conscious community. This is HUGE! It's no accident that we are here with over 7 billion other be of support to one another and lean on each trees in the forest lean on each other when BIG winds blow!

Fourth....shift your mind-state! Maybe take on a statement like, "I can move through this. This is just a temporary blip." Or, "Before I know it....this will be over." And then....create a statement that is the complete opposite of the challenge, for example in the case of a health'd say something like, "My body is healthy and vital." This will help you refocus your energy and help you emotionally elevated.....There are bigger reasons for ALL challenges. And when we can shift our focus and maybe even ask, "What am I to learn from this?".....We are given insight as to our next growth point.

I hope these tips help. Each challenging situation is unique and I know how terrible it can feel....
Remember that you're not alone.
Giving you a BIG hug!
MASSIVE MASSIVE love and bright guiding light your way!!!!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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