Subject: You made it! Day 7 of the Soul Navigation Challenge!

Hi Friend!!!!
You made it! Day 7 of our Soul Navigation Challenge! How has it been? Challenging, easy, flowing, expansive??? I'd LOVE to hear from YOU! What major aha has stood out for you? What practice did you entertain that made a tangible shift for you???

Today....we step into expanding your awesomeness into your work and the world around YOU! Yay!!!! For some, they know exactly what their soul gifts are.....For others, it may seem foggy.....And for others, they have no friggin' clue if their tapped into their gifts, let alone utilizing them day-to-day. I'm excited to share 2 of my favourite ways to access your soul gifts and bring them into the world.....

YOUR SOUL STEP for today:
Once we expand and awaken, at some point along the journey we naturally feel a call to be of service and share this most expanded version of ourselves with the world! Sometimes that may mean choosing a job or career that directly reflects these gifts....other times it's about bringing our gifts into EVERYWHERE!
  • To uncover your soul-given-gifts....first ask yourself the following questions: What are you naturally drawn to? What do you naturally do anyways and love? What are things people naturally come to for or compliment you on? What would you do in a day regardless if you got paid to do it?
  • Your Meditation for today....will help you connect to everything and remember that there is nothing holding you's ALL right HERE! Access the meditation HERE!

Want to have fun with this today? Take a pic of yourself doing your thing today! Doing something you love, being around someone you love, in a space that you love! And share on FB with a comment like, "Today I bring my light into everything I do, everywhere I go!" And tag me so that I can love it UP! #soulnavchallenge

On today's FACEBOOK LIVE session:
  • Uncover your soul gifts in this lifetime....
  • How to bring them into the "work" you do in the world! "Bring the thunder!"
  • The magical thing that happens by embodying your gifts right here, right now!
  • The live session will be happening at 11 am EST through our Private FB Group for 30-40 minutes! I'll be offering some extra time to answer any questions you have!!!
Once again, here's the link for our private FB group:

Congratulating and celebrating YOU! Thank you soooooo much for taking this journey with me this week! You are soooooo loved and held in love!!!!!!! BIG hugs!
P.S. We still have one more time to connect....a LIVE MASTERCLASS on "How to Wake UP Happy!" is possible!!! Tuesday, May 16th!

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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