Subject: You haven't missed the window or portal!

Good morning!!!
Popping in quickly to say you haven't missed the Harvest Full Moon window / portal / doorway! We are in this energy for another 24 hours or so....and if you remember that you're a multidimensional, infinite being...not limited by time and can still receive, maximize and utilize the powerful energy that is flowing to us right now!!!!!

Several peeps have asked if they missed I thought I'd message quickly....

If you haven't yet accessed or downloaded the Harvest Full Moon Meditation & will be available for the next 3 days! Click here to get the goods: a side attention to ANY resistance that surfaces within you during this time frame. You have an opportunity to step into and receive THE MOST expanded, beautiful, flowing, abundant, infinite version of yourself! And...the ego self will not like this at all and come up with all sorts of reasons why we can't or shouldn't take some time to sit in stillness, meditate, align and receive the light that is flowing in....

Your Soul will always lead you to greatest growth and expansion and joy (for ALL) and the ego will lead you away from this, create slow-down and will have a million reasons why you can't.....It's always UP to YOU to choose which side you're siding with!

Sending massive light and love!!!! My prayer and wish is that accept and stand in the greatest version of you!!!

BIG hugs! Have a beautiful day!

Sent to you with love from my "smartphone" ;)
647. 991. 9366
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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