Subject: Winter Solstice Ritual, Immune Boosters & Reflections!

Hi Radiant Soul!

Do you know how light, bright and beautiful you are?
Do you know that you are brighter than the sun?

Your internal light is a miracle! You are living miracle! And today....we honour and celebrate YOU!

This is one of my favourite cycles of the year! Winter Solstice!
As we enter the darkest day of the year (in the Northern hemisphere)....we enter the void...the spiritual womb. Where everything has an opportunity to be released, cleanses, cleared and renewed for greater growth and expansion!

It's a powerful cycle of regeneration!

The darkness reminds us of our growth - the moments throughout the year that we've been challenged, stretched, pushed and all the ways that we grew! And it can guide us into reflection and see what we're ready to release in order to grow even more!

Last night, in Thrive Evolution (formerly Thrive 365) I led a powerful and beautiful class and meditation ceremony to honour the Winter Solstice. I'll share some of the highlights here so that you can create your own ritual at home and honour this sacred cycle....

Create some quiet time to reflect and write....
How did you grow this year?
What challenges did you face?
What are ready to release and let go of?

Then write out....
Who do you want to become?
What do you want to create?
What is your version of Heaven on Earth that you'd LOVE to live this year?
Meditate on (or physically create) a Path of Light to walk....
...Let a candle light your path as you reflect on your past.
...Enter a beautiful temple with a fire in the center.
...Place the old stuff that you want to release into the fire to transform.
...Let the Light of The Divine fill you and create a powerful stream of Radiant Light.
...Place your intentions and dreams into this light and release them up to The Divine!
Remember that you are LIGHT! A radiant, glowing, infinite Source of Light! As you strengthen your internal light, you have more light to extend out into the world! You are here to light UP the world! To add more LIGHT to all that exists!

And the world needs more light!
Boost Your Immune System!

With the changing of seasons AND's a GREAT time to support your body's natural immune system and response! I'm a BIG fan of support over suppress.

My top ways to support the immune system are:
  • take in the direct sunlight - through your skin, eyes and consciousness!
  • drink an herbal tea a day during the winter months
  • increase natural Vitamin C intake (fresh, organic fruits or a supplement. I LOVE Dr. Mercola's Vit.C!)
  • Laughter does the Body good! A good belly laugh!
  • meditation will always lift your mood and whole body system!
  • the new frequency devices are AMAZING at supporting and strengthening your whole system! (email or message me for more info on the ones I support)
And,,,,,,In the Thrive Essentials of our clients and guest contributors share a wonderful Elderberry Syrup recipe! i LOVE Elderberry syrup!!!

You are an incredible being, with extraordinary gifts to share with the world!

Who are you choosing to be in this moment and every moment?
What pieces of your being are you open to activating and actualizing this cycle?!

We are excited to witness your expansion and are here to support you in any way you need.....

Sending radiant light your way!

Have THE BEST holiday season!
Tara, King Gabriel and your Light Ascension Team!
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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