Subject: Why some people find manifesting difficult.....

Dearest Friend!
How are you today??? Sending a short note your way before the weekend begins.....

We're getting packed up and ready to head up north to my parent's place for the Canada Day long weekend! Amazing to think that officially...."Canada" has been in existence for only 150 years! Soooo young and new in comparison to the grand picture! And yet, as a country....."she" has come great distances, has a thriving diverse multi-cultural ecosystem, has more available untouched land than what has been "developed" and is overall a very friendly and kind place to live! I feel really grateful for being here at this time : )

Anyhoo.....I was meditating this morning and was holding high vibe space for "random" people that flow into my awareness.....sending them love, healing and light.....and many were in my awareness because of the multiple conversations I had this week with friends and clients....all around abundance, lack, fear, money (or lack thereof) and the same 3 questions arose, "Why does manifesting seem so hard?" Or, "I think I'm broken....I can't seem to create ANYTHING right now....what's wrong with me?" Or, "I thought the Laws of Attraction were supposed to work for everyone? It sure isn't bringing what I want into my world...."

I HEAR YA! I don't know if you can relate.....Several times throughout my journey I've asked almost the same questions......and I wanted to share with you some VERY insightful answers that arose and changed EVERYTHING for me!!!!!

I've divinely decided to host a FREE Masterclass on this exact help ease your mind, clear the "olds" and have a paradigm shift around abundance, money, manifestation and creation!!!

It's happening next Thursday, July 6th from 7 - 8:30 pm EST online (and will be recorded)!!!! Here is the link to register or click the button below:

I hope to see you there!!!! It's going to be a wonderfully IN-sightful class!!! Oh, and if you think of anyone who may benefit from this....please feel free to share the registration link above : ) Much thanks!!!!

MASSIVE MASSIVE love and bright guiding light your way!!!!
Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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