Subject: While in Costa Rica in May....we saw a major gap....

Hi Beautiful :)

Two months ago in Costa Rica, at a leadership retreat for the Business Mastermind we’re in.....Gabriel and I had the opportunity to go deeper in our vision for how we wanted to support clients....and....
....where we intuitively saw our company, programs, and healing & spiritual mentoring work going.... we wanted to support the dreams and goals of our team....
....and....the current state of the world, humanity and this grand awakening and ascension we are in right now.

We quickly saw a gap...a missing piece......(more on this in a moment).
Sooooooo many thoughts and ideas swirled in our mind......

We meditated, swam, rested, laughed, played with the kiddos (Yes...they were there with us at the retreat! Sooooo grateful!), consulted, asked BIG questions and then REALLY LISTENED!

We LOVE the "work" that we get to do. I put it in quotation marks because being of service, being a channel for light, clarity and highest truth, being an intuitive healer and Soul Coach has NEVER felt like work.
It has ALWAYS LIT me UP!
Has ALWAYS GIVEN this feeling and experience of "Wow! I'm sooooo GRATEFUL that I get to do THIS! That I get to help others rise, heal, shift, lift, expand, grow, refine, elevate, evolve, ground, consciously create........WOW! WOW! WOW!"

When Gabriel and I asked the question to Grand Creator, God, The Infinite, The Divine, "Show us what's next. How will you have us serve? Guide us....."

We sat with our business mentor and advisors.
We shared our vision.
We listened again.

And then a month later....while driving in the car.....IT ALL CAME TOGETHER!
One of those eureka moments!

We have access to soooooooo much info, material, tools to support, shift and heal.....there are more coaches and healers out there now than ever before! When I started my healing business 20 years ago....we were an anomaly! And yet....why do so many still struggle to thrive? Why do so many fall back into pain, suffering and patterns of the past when they've made such leaps and bounds?

The missing piece was this.....clearing, consciousness and consistency!

CLEAR the mind, the blocks, and dissolve and barriers to thriving. Create space!

CONSCIOUSNESS. Become conscious of patterns and beliefs....and then CLEAR them! Actively elevate consciousness. Bring the mind, thoughts, behaviours, state of being and actions UP to a higher level of conscious awareness!

CONSISTENCY! Keep showing UP - for yourself, your life, your growth and your expansion! It's so easy to get distracted, pulled in several directions and then off the practice and path that was thriving. When challenges arise it's easy to fall into the ego's mind and habitual way of behaving. Consistency is KEY to success! It CREATES the longevity, the neural pathways and the new, well-practiced way of being and thriving!

Then you can have a CLEAR mind, vessel and space for new, empowering BELIEFS!
You CONSCIOUSLY and powerfully choose new habits, ways of thinking and being!
You then CONSISTENTLY BUILD new beliefs, pathways and patterns that serve you and move you into a state of BEING that supports the thriving life you want!
This is the missing piece to consciously create a thriving and exceptional life!
You want to thrive!
You want exceptional!
You want to live our best life!

And it's totally possible and doable!

And soooooooo........Gabriel and I, and our team of Ascension Guides have co-created something AWESOME....that we're sooooo excited about!

A new opportunity to "work" with us (for less than $10 a day!!!) to CLEAR, CONSCIOUSLY up-level and show UP for YOU CONSISTENTLY!

Ready to hear more?

Cool! It's sooooooo powerful in its simplicity!
It's totally accessible for most people!
And it's going to set a strong foundation for the thriving life you get to have!


Your Empowered Self!

It's a powerful affirmation!
It's a powerful declaration!
It's a powerful way to life life!
YES to upgrading your life!

Easy, flowing YES to shift states, mind, beliefs, perceptions and energy!

YES to evolve and build a strong foundation for your thriving life!

If this activates your inner YES....reply YES to this email!

We'll send you all the beautiful details.....Y.E.S. starts on Monday!

And we're kicking off strong with our 1st signature-branded and trademarked Y.E.S. Mantras to help you refine and re-train your mind Day 1!!!!

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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