Subject: Where to place your focus and energy RIGHT NOW!.....

Good morning beautiful being!!!!

How are you feeling today? I hope you arose feeling refreshed and aligned! There are some amazing energies swirling around us right now! I felt the boost over the past few days....and especially last night while leading an incredible Unity Meditation for our Creation Container Mastermind! Wow!

Now's THE TIME to focus your energy and intention onto your visions, dreams, intentions and desires for what you want to see and experience for you, your family and the world! They said last night to hold this energy for at least 20 minutes a we are acting as powerful beams, beacons and columns of light for the entire planet! As we do this....we are holding the light as we enter into some really crazy, tumultuous days.....And as the old continues to fall and crumble.....and you may feel the intensity of it....Remember that on the other side of this pendulum is a HUGE, VAST, IMMENSE positive energy that is allllllllll about creating beautifully and powerfully!!!!!

They said, "Get excited! Be in joy! Hold your light steady! And really create what you want....not what you see falling away or may be shocked by."

And so it is!
Personally....we just got home yesterday from a beautiful 4 day houseboat trip on the Ottawa River! The above pic was sunrise one morning! It was a gorgeous getaway! The kids LOVED being on the boat! One of the babies figured out how to take a pic and post it to my FB story! It was hilarious! (see pic below) And it was soooooo fun waking up on the water, swimming 5-10 times a day, cooking on the bbq breakfast, lunch and dinner, collecting all sorts of nature treasures....and one of the bays we docked in had gold flecks in the sand! The vibration was INCREDIBLY HIGH! Sooooooo nourishing all around!

It was the perfect reset for Gabriel and I as we get ready to move into a new cycle of creation and expansion in the next weeks to months! Can't wait to share all the wonderful creations with you!!!
One of the awesome creations that I'd love to share with you.....Especially if you're a healer, coach, intuitive, light-worker.....or would like to be!!!!

Gabriel and I are hosting a FREE 5-Day Workshop starting on Monday, Aug 23rd through to Friday, Aug noon EST each day for 30-45 minutes! 

==> Courageous & Confident Coaches, Healers & Light Workers! <==

Here are a few things we'll be covering inside the workshop:
  • Get clear on Your Vision, Purpose & Mission......including what type
    of Coach or Healer you want to become, your style, the type of coaching
    or healing modality that aligns with you & your zone of excellence!
    You are going to access clarity & confidence to stand in your
    sacred gifts & express them in a way that benefits the world!
  • Now more than ever, Coaches, Healers, Leaders & Light Workers are
    needed! So many people are looking for guidance, searching for answers
    & seeking direction in wavering times. Learn how to courageously & consistently show UP powerfully!
  • Resolve & dissolve some of the most common misconceptions around
    healing, coaching & becoming a successful coach or healer.
  • You've witnessed within the last year or so how quickly the world can
    change. And as challenging as it has been for many....many others have
    thrived exponentially & financially! Receive the steps to thrive as an intuitive, coach, healer & light worker and create Your Own Certainty & Future!

If you want to join us live on Facebook simply click this link to register:

If you're not on FB and want to join us on Zoom, please use this link:

We are sooooo excited to share this content with that we can light UP the world together!!!

I hope you have the most magical, beautiful and awesomely awesome day!!!!!
Tara, King Gabriel and your Light Ascension Team!

P.S. If you know anyone in your world who could benefit from an intuitive, higher self, thriving boost....feel free to invite friends and family to the group and workshop! Simply invite them to the group or send them the following link....and we'll do the rest!
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "IN-sight letters" and abundant goodness to elevate your life! You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )
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