Subject: What's missing.....?

Hello beautiful!
With the NEW year well are you feeling? Still feeling engaged in your "resolutions", intentions and new life? Or have you experienced the air being let out of your colourful, bright, shiny balloon?

I heard on the radio the other day that this past week was "Blue Monday"....a day where many people experience a dip, a low point after the holidays, looking at their Christmas credit card bill and are starting to fall back into old patterns instead of sticking with the new intentions or plan that they started strong with the 1st week of January.

I've been pondering this "low-point" energy all we're gearing UP to start our "6 Month Ascension Mastermind in a few weeks (we still have 4 spaces if this piques your interest).....and have had many conversations with new and returning clients about the loss of pace or strong ego-thoughts that have been surfacing....stopping their momentum.....

I thought I'd take a few minutes to address this dip in energy and how to quickly elevate UP out of it....

First starts with asking the question: What's missing in my life? Reflection and awareness are key components to creating long-lasting change and a life we love!

You've set your NEW year intentions. You've thought about what you want to create this year. You may even have mapped out a plan. Now what? What's next? What crucial elements are missing from your current life?...Your current way of being?

See...if you want something new, something more for your must become someone new, someone expanded from the point you are now to who you want to become. Just as I want to be a fully present, engaged and loving mom while running a successful healing and soul coaching business and be of service....I need to let my old self retire so that I can become who I want to be. This requires a shift in my thoughts, a shift in perception, a shift in how I do things, a shift in how my day flows....a shift on EVERY level!

When I asked myself what is missing in my current way of life that may help me become a new self and experience this new life that I've dreamed up....a few key things came to mind:
  • help with the kids....a nanny, a house-keeper
  • 2 business assistants to help with emails, social media and online TV series
  • a bigger house for our expanded family
  • new and easy mindset and spiritual practices that fit with my busier life
  • and a coach to help grow my business to the next level
When you ask yourself the question: What's missing from my life now that could help me get to the new me, the new life?....what surfaces for you?

Make a list! And then....

YOU MUST TAKE A STEP! YOU MUST TAKE ACTION! If that means hiring a coach to help you get it! If that means healing your it! If that means investing in yourself so that you life expands with it! If that means learning how to redirect and manage your mind and it! If that means starting something new and being it!

We are the grand creators of our reality and it is time to step in and up!

If you attended our Create Your 2019 know what I'm talking about! If you missed can still access it! AND...I've included the link to the meditation recording and the Creation Checklist that we gave out to the group! Thought you'd LOVE them and find them a useful tool!

Meditation ==>
Creation Checklist ==>
Access the full Masterclass ==>

Have THE MOST loving, nurturing and supportive day! Love you!

P.S. And if you REALLY WANT to expand your life this become the version of YOU that your Soul / Spirit / Higher Self / Heart knows you to step past ALL limitations that have surfaced in your life in the fill in the gaps of what's missing.....LET'S CHAT! ==>

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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