Subject: What's around the corner?....Your next steps in creating a BEautiful Life!

Hello beautiful!!!!
How are you today?? I hope you're taking some time this weekend to rest, play and fill your internal cup!

After almost 3 weeks up north, relaxing, recharging and resting (with some work in between) I feel my internal energy ramping UP....with new creative ideas flowing in, consciously creating what I want the next 4 months of 2015 to look and feel like, and preparing to leave for LA in less than a month to film for The Coaching Movie!

This week, after working with 12 clients with different backgrounds and life themes....I noticed one common thread among them all....And wondered if this is more of a "collective thing" coming up for many right now.....
"What's my next step?"
"I wonder what's around the corner for me?"
"Am I on the "right" track/path?"
"I feel a little confused as to what's next....."

I thought it might be helpful to offer some tools and tips to help you get clear as we collectively move into September's energy of new projects and next steps!

1.  Take a few minutes each day (for a week) to journal write and "get out the cobwebs" or confusion in your mind. Or find someone compassionate to talk to. It's important to clear out the confusion-clutter before jumping to your next step.

2. After purging, take a few deeps breaths and cleanse the air in your lungs and heart. Imagine breathing in fresh, cool, new, vibrant light or energy...let it fill your chest, mind, lower body and feet.

3.  New Beginnings require A NEW MINDSET!!!! How would you like to feel each day? Write it down. Beside each, write down the thoughts you would need to have that match those emotions. Then choose one thought pattern to focus on each day for 7 days and repeat as often as you like!

4.  Spend a few minutes each day just day dreaming.....what's the ideal version of your life look like? What tweaks would you like to make in your life? Write it down!

5.  Close your eyes and visualize this clear, fun, free, abundant, loving life unfold before your inner eye! And then feel how it great it feels to see this vision as if it already exists! Once the feeling is full inside of you, release it to the air around you.

6.  Repeat..."I trust, I trust, I trust. Show me my next steps! I am excited and ready to walk them!"

7.  As you go about your day, listen to that inner voice that drives you in one direction or toward an action! This is INSPIRED ACTION and it is streaming down from your higher consciousness! Joyfully take the step and be open to the experience of that ONE STEP!!!

It's an exciting time to be alive! And I WANT YOU to enjoy it all, love each moment that you have and really treasure the creative experience that we all came in for!!!

BIG warm, loving hugs!!!!!
Tara xo

You are more powerful than you know!
In this INSIGHT-letter you'll find:
  • Retreat UPdates & Changes!
  • Conscious Business Booster for those who want to step UP their presence!
  • Reiki 1 Workshop....starting in a few weeks!
  • Client Spotlight!!!....FREE 7 Day FITastic Challenge!
A Little Something for Everyone!
Retreat Changes.....

I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!!!
Would YOU RATHER?......RETREAT with us from:

 November 28th - December 5th at Amansala
December 5th - 12th at Amansala
January 23rd - 30th at a Private Villa???

Living in alignment with highest truth and best good for all, and being authentically open....Lisa and I have had some slight changes to the upcoming retreat in Tulum....Lisa has been fully focused on running retreats as a full-time business : ) and feels it is in highest alignment to run this year's Tulum retreat solo.

Moving forward I still plan to run a retreat!! Taking the next day, with your feedback, to make a decision on dates....Either option will be in Tulum, Mexico and will include very similar content....with a focus on Soul Designed Living!!
If you're interested, please message me ASAP or visit my site for full retreat details!!!

Conscious Business Booster!

Starting the beginning of September, for 4 powerful months!!!....I begin a Conscious Business Booster program with the graduates of the IGNITE Life Coaching Program and a few other entrepreneurs who are READY & EXCITED to kick-start their business, share their gifts with the world and build a powerful platform for their conscious based biz!!!

If you resonate....I invite you to join us!!! I have 3 spaces left (out of 10) and would LOVE to have your passion, purpose and excitement with we expand our work into the world!!!

All the details and application can be found on my HERE.
There are 2 weeks until we start!!!

Reiki Level 1 in Toronto!

If you've ever been interested in learning a beautiful, loving and nurturing healing modality...I always recommend Reiki! It is the foundation of the healing work that I allow through and keeps my body and being healthy, aligned, restored and full of life force!!!

Whether it's for personal self healing or to be of service to others, being attuned to Reiki is like reclaiming who and what you are! And returning to something as natural as breathing!

If you feel called to join this round of Level 1, I would LOVE to have you! 

To register, please private message me about dates and details. And for more information on Reiki and the class format, please click the pink tab.

Please meet Michelle Soares!!!! A mind, body, soul fitness goddess!!!! Michelle is one of the most dedicated, committed people I know and she has created soooooo much over the 7 years that I've known her!!!!

Michelle and I first met at a workshop we both attended called "Royal Gems"....a feminine empowerment series. We totally connected and soon after Michelle completed all 3 levels of Reiki with me, lit the fire under my butt to create a Life Coaching Certification Program, and graduated from it last year!

Since then she has professionally competed in and won
CANFIT PRO 2014 - #1 Fitness Professional all of Canada, CANFIT PRO 2015 TOP 3 Fitness Professional all of Canada, 2015 Ms. Figure Toronto, WORLDWIDE BRONZE 2014 Winner - Stevie Award - Women in Business - Women Helping Women!

She is a:
Certified Personal Trainer
- Certified Zumba Instructor
- Certified Reiki Master 
- Certified Nutrition and Weight Loss Specialist 
- Motivational Speaker
- Transformation Life Coach

I am sooooo proud of ALL that she has created and accomplished thus far!!!!

Over the past 5 weeks we have been working together again!!!!....Boosting her Biz to the next level and she has created an AMAZING FREE PROGRAM - "7 Day FITastic Challenge" for anyone interested in kick-starting their fitness routine and get their body in soulfully aligned shape! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND checking her out!!!!!

2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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