Subject: What do you do when you don't want to DO anything?

Hello beautiful!!!!
How are you? How was your weekend??? I was tuning in to the energy of the day and I'm feeling awake and yet battling this feeling of doing something / not wanting to do anything.

Have you ever felt that? That feeling of knowing that you have a million things to get done and yet you don't want to do any of it.....

So.....what do you do when you don't want to DO anything? Do you push yourself through it and do anyways? Do you honour what you're feeling and take a rest? Do you wish you could have a rest and yet can't based on your life circumstances?

Personally....I've come to know that when I try to push through when I want to rest....I end up wrestling myself, getting more tired and frustrated, I start dropping things, stubbing my toes, banging my head on things and just feel outright terrible (like a bad hangover). I know my greater being is calling to me, asking me to slooooooooow down and honour myself and rest! I take a deep breath, let go of any non-doing-guilt that I may feel....remind myself that everything will get done AND that right now I need to rest and fill back up before I can go again. I carve out 15 - 60 minutes that day for self-care, self-love and higher-self-connection!

In moments like this we actually NEED to take a for a walk....put our feet up....take a yoga class....get some energy work done.....engage in something that nurtures and restores us on every level. When you feel that inner push, "I have to get this done....and yet...I'm sooooooo tired"'s an indication that you need to rest, nurture, restore and reset. Your inner being is nudging you by slowing you slow down. Life is not designed to go-go-go-go-go, do-do-do-do-do-do ALL the time. Look around at life itself.....all of nature has balance....a time to rest, a time to do. A time to play, a time to work. A time to be awake, a time to sleep. There is rhythm and balance to it all.

When we go against our nature rhythm....we go against ourselves.....we dishonour ourselves. And our higher self will nudge us back into balance and flow by saying, "Slow down!"

EVERY TIME I listen to this inner call or nudge and create the time that is being asked for (even if it's 15 minutes).....I feel a thousand times better! My mind calms and resets. My emotions cool and feel lovely. My body feels well taken care and heals. My spirit feels shiny and happy! AND......clarity within rises! Vital life force energy returns!

Soooooo.....I ask you....what is your being nudging you toward? To get up and get going? (usually when you've been resting and have been still for a while) rest and reset? (usually when you're feeling tired)

And.....can you honour what is being called for? Can you create the time that will serve you best?

If it's rest that is calling you.....remember...even 15 minutes of peaceful rest, meditation, chilling out, taking a bath, sitting under a tree, floating in water.....can restore you the same as 3 hours! You are worth being held. You are worth being cared for. You are worth the time to rest, repair, restore and renew!

As you pause and be today....tune into the subtle energy current from Source pouring through you. When you slow down your sense heighten! You get to feel and presence the Divine that is within you and all around you. Always present. Always available! For me, this is worth everything! This is the "juice" that nurtures me and fills me UP!

Sending wonderful, loving, soothing vibes your way today! May you be held in divine, pure, blissful, nurturing light!!!!!!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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