Subject: Welcome to Day 5! [Soul Navigation Challenge]

Happy Thursday!

Excited to continue our conversation about creating total goodness and awesomeness! Today for our Soul Nav Challenge....we're going to create a new and improved blueprint for your physical body and health!!!!! Yay!!!!

I LOVE talking about energy, spirituality, high vibe stuff! It's ALL amazing and wonderful! And....we do exist and live in a physical body....a physical form or temple so-to-speak...and it's equally important to tend to and care for this vessel that our soul resides in! So today....we're going to take ALL that high vibe energy, bring it down and ground it into our body!...So that we can create a healthy experience for our journey on earth! (I'm going to share more in our FB live session today!)

YOUR SOUL STEP for today:
Regardless as to what your body is like, your state of health is (or not) or how much or little energy you spend on your body.....I want you to think about how you WANT your body or state of health to be.....vital? healthy? vibrant? strong? tone and fit? Anything goes! Everything is valid!
  • Now....create a powerful statement that is short and sweet, catching and captures this state! Then repeat frequently while doing mundane tasks throughout your day...while showering, going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, etc.
  • I've included a beautiful meditation that helps you connect to a new blueprint for your body! I hope you enjoy it! Access the meditation HERE.
And if you want to get playful and creative with this....find a picture that represents or reflects this ideal physical state of being and keep it handy to look at as a reminder! And if you feel on FB / Instagram...saying something like, "I love, appreciate and respect this physical body (or vessel) that I'm in!!"  #soulnavchallenge
(the above pic was taken during my yoga teacher's training in Costa was a time when I felt the healthiest, most vibrant and alive....and 100% LOVED my body! It is the image I frequently see and use to remind myself when I'm judging my body or not feeling my ideal form)

  • Create a new & improved health blueprint for your physical self.
  • Experience more vitality & total body transformation.
  • Let your mind be stronger than your eyes....
  • The live session will be happening at 2 pm EST again today (I teach my Life Coaching to Mentoring Certification program every Thursday). See you on FB Live!
If you're just joining us....please add yourself to the private Facebook Group: 

Excited to see and hear your posts on FB and/or Instagram around your vibrant and healthy self!

Sending waves of light and pure goodness your way!

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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