Subject: Want to wake UP happy?? Open to find out how....

Want to wake UP Happy?
Hello beautiful!
Have you ever wanted to just wake up and feel happy? You wake up, rise and shine, open your eyes from a rested night's sleep and just feel happy.....?

Last year, deep within the winter months, I had that very thought or question flash through my mind. I remember looking out the window into the pitch black. sky scattered with a million twinkling stars, and said out loud to Gabriel (my husband), "I just want to wake up happy. Without doing my practice, without practicing my way, without moving myself into that space.....I just want to feel happy and know happiness from the inside out." I then posed a question upward, "Is this possible??"

The answer slowly and steadily drifted into my awareness and I heard, "Yes. However, you need to let go of all you know. Your mind has become so full, so filled up that there's little room for your natural self or state to arise. Let go of all you know....."

It seemed so simple and yet I knew it as truth. So, I took a deep breath and made a choice to let go. With a few deep exhales, I released. In that moment I felt a quiet stillness run through me.....Very little thought.....a faint and steady feeling flowing through my awareness and body. I closed my eyes and fell deep asleep. The next morning, as my eyes first opened and saw light streaming through the window, I can honestly say that felt true, deep, genuine happiness flowing through me from the inside out. I didn't have to "do" anything - no affirmations, no prayers, no gratitude journal, no visualization....just pure, simple, flowing happiness!

Since that day the same feeling has been with me most days....and on the days that I wake up stressed, reved up, mind reeling, anxious, sad or tired......I know that I have over-filled myself yet again (very easy to do here in this earth experience) and it's time to take an eternal breath and release all that I know once again. And it never fails.....that same happiness feeling rushes through straight from Source and from the inside out!

If you can relate to this desire.....I've created a short list of practices that can help you wake up happy too!!!! It's well worth the experience!!!!
Cover Your Bootay & Business!!!

We had a powerful and insightful webinar last week! If you missed it, you can watch it for FREE HERE! There are some GREAT tips on contracts, how to deal with difficult clients, why it's important to cover your content and so much more.....

Registration closes on Friday....
Want more happy?

Our 2nd annual "Get Happy Retreat" is set for the end of November-beginning of December 2015! Lisa and I have some amazing Early Booking Give-a-ways when you register before July 31st!!!

More details to follow soon. Email me if you're interested!....As this retreat will fill fast like last year : )

Happiness on your Wrist!

Over the winter months I experimented with creating my own crystal bracelets....infusing each one with high vibe energy and positive intentions so that the wearer not only receives goodness from the crystals....but also receives a boost from the energy infused in them!!! This magnifies such goodness!

More designs will be posted soon - EMAIL ME FOR DESIGNS THAT YOU DON'T SEE ONLINE!
Want to make some extra moola? Investment Opportunity!

We are expanding!!!! Which is allowing Gabriel and I to reach out to our community and offer a SWEET investment opportunity that would allow you to make between $4991 to $19,964 per year!!!!

If this calls to you, please email me as soon as possible!!!
....after recovering from this last Mercury Retrograde (which we're still in until June 11) laptop is now back after 2 weeks in the Apple Shop (new hard drive), the IGNITE LIFE Coaching Program is well underway with 8 amazing, powerful women from across Canada (there's still time to register and catch up if you're interested).....AND Gabriel and I found our next home! We decided to rent after all....for this year. With all that was going on, it was too rushed to buy a house that we loved and get it all together.

Once we made that decision an angel showed up as our new landlord!!! Seriously! An angel!!! Upon walking through the door she says to us, "I feel you are both really going to love this place. It has such great Karma! All of my tenants have launched their life in new ways and this was their launch pad!"

Gabriel and I looked at each other and were like, "Who is this woman!!!" I feel Spirit and Divine Alignment fully had a hand in this....and sooooo we are moving to Barrie in less than 2 weeks!!!!

We are super excited for this new adventure and growth!!!!

Thank you ALL for holding space for us and sending your beautiful, heart-felt messages last month! We completely received and appreciated them!!!!

Sending that same love, clarity and goodness tenfold to YOU!!!!!
Have a loving evening and week!!!! I'll be in touch in a few weeks, once we get settled into our new space!!!!

Tara oxoxo

P.S. HAPPY FULL MOON! This one's powerful for receiving the new life that your heart and higher self desires or wishes for!!!! Take some time tonight to connect within or step outside and open to receive ALL YOUR DREAMS!!!!
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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