Subject: Want to Increase YOUR Intuition?

Happy September!!!!

I hope you're still enjoying the warmth of the summer (if officially is still summer until Sept 21st!)...soak it all in!

September is such a wonderful time for change, transition, new beginnings and personal expansion! From days past, many of us associate September with "back-to-school" and I feel that energy still exists within us. I'm hearing from soooooooo many clients that massive change is happening and on the horizon! It's incredible.....and scary for many. I love wakes us up, shakes us loose from any stagnation or over-comfortable energy, and offer us an opportunity to grow!!!

Taking a minute to tap into this change and expansion energy.....What do YOU feel changing in and around you? What changes would YOU like to see? How would YOU like to grow? How would YOU like to expand?


For me....there are so many changes happening in my world...which I'll be sharing fully over the next few weeks! And I'm off to LA next Friday to start filming the Coaching Movie!!!! I'm excited, nervous and anxious all at the same time! I can also REALLY feel my intuition and energy expanding in new ways! My brother shared with me that September 23rd - end of October brings some very important energies to the planet! The earth is moving into a region of the galaxy that is causing increased cosmic energies - gamma rays or "WAVE-X" (wave of evolution) impacting our sun and altering human DNA. It has been described as a "frequency shift" in consciousness and these rays will definitely have a HUGE impact on us energetically and cellularly.....Many are calling it a "Great time of Awakening"! Soooooo cool!!!!!

WE are ALL going to experience a “wave of evolution".....We are about to find out, on a major level, the true answer as to ‘Who are we’, ‘Where we come from’, and ‘What our purpose is‘. The planet is going to take off in such incredible ways. And so....I thought it was important to tune into this energy and ask how I can be of service and help people get ready for this energy! I was guided to offer a special "Get Ready for THE WAVE" Mini-Series - both online and that everyone from far and wide can participate if they're called to it and want some support during this powerful and important time....even the Pope, the US President and Political Leaders are gathering during this time....hmmmmmm.....!!

  • We'll be covering the 4 major questions and themes that are arising during this time: Who & What are we, really? Where do we come from? What is our purpose? How can we help with the conscious evolution of the planet through increasing our field of love?
  • Learn how to integrate, absorb, utilize and regulate this high vibrational gamma ray energy that is coming!
  • Learn how to embody more LIGHT and increase your HEART field!
  • Each class will include intuitively guided meditations and tools for easy expansion.
  • Each class will be recorded in case you miss one.

Classes will be held in the evenings on:
  • Monday, September 21st (fall equinox!)
  • Monday, September 28th (the height of the gamma ray blast & full moon)
  • Monday, October 5th
  • and Tuesday, October 13th (new moon).


How easy or challenging this ascension process will be depends on the collective consciousness of humanity. We are creating a direct effect on how the changes will play out and manifest! Those who have raised their frequencies to a high enough level of love will play a significant role in the expansion for the planet and will find the changes will be much easier! We need to hold even more light in our body than ever before to assist the rest of humanity.

I'd LOVE to help make this time as easy, grounded and joyful as possible! I know how intense ascension symptoms can be.....

In my last IN-sight letter I did a client spotlight on Michelle Soares! Well....she has been a busy-little-bee and has created an amazing fitness program that promises to get your body in shape, while positively re-focusing your mind to a healthy image of self.....IN 6 WEEKS! I'm super excited to share this program with you.....Especially for anyone who wants to tone their body, shed some weight, burn fat, uncover your unique beauty and curves, and feel super healthy on a body level!!!!

When you sign up before Septemeber 15th you get $100 off! To GET STARTED please go to:

And all the details can be found on her site.....If you register, let her know I sent you her way!

During this time I'm sending you MASSIVE WAVES OF LIGHT, breath to ground and stillness to feel the expansion of your beautiful being!!!! We are getting ready to go on the ride of a lifetime!!!....And I'm sooooooooo GRATEFUL that I get to share it and be here with you!!!!

BIG BIG hugs!!!!
647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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