Subject: Valentine's Day LOVE your way!

HAPPY post Valentine's / LOVE day Friend!
(I have a bday/vday gift for you....!!!)

LOVE day is one of my FAVOURITE days of the year!!!! A day dedicated to celebrate LOVE in all its forms....not just romantic love....also UNIVERSAL love between all people and within self and with Creator! Yesterday while we were enjoying breakfast and coffee at a sweet little cafe (and kicking off my Valentine's birthday!) several people entered the cafe and lovingly wished EVERYONE a happy Valentine's Day and to enjoy LOVE today! I LOVED it!!!!! Usually I write out 100 Valentine's and give them out to random people....partially as a Bday gift to the world around me.....however, this year I totally forgot to buy Valentine's before we left in January. It was lovely to see others sharing the love and for me to really receive the blessing!!!!

How did you celebrate LOVE day yesterday????

As as way to extend MY LOVE to YOU....and to give you an extended birthday/love day gift....I am gifting YOU a 1 month membership to Soul Navigation 6.0!!!! A new and amazing "Netflix for the Soul" that just officially completed and launched TODAY!

To receive this gift, simply go to and click the button below the video to "test drive" the content!

A little LOVE-day insight to share with you.....

I had several moments yesterday where I was 100% aware of my connection to Source and its unconditional LOVE for me. I heard many times, "You are so loved. You are held in love. Your unique expression is aligned with Creator and all that is. Receive love, be love, extend love. If you want to receive love from the world, you need to extend and be love to the world." Such a powerful reminder!!!!

So many times we look outside ourselves for have the people around us make us feel special or to acknowledge our greatness, or to show us or tell us how special we are. I know I was feeling and doing that yesterday with Gabriel....a total no-no. I was energetically throwing expectations at him and of course when we do this....we will always feel disappointed. It is not his/anyone's responsibility to "make me feel special or loved". I needed to feel that within ME first and know that my goodness, my light, my love, my "special-ness" is with and in Source / Creator / The Divine!

The moment I surrendered and stepped back into higher truth, I felt immediate love, immediate support, immediate acknowledgement, immediate energy! And it didn't come from anywhere outside came straight from the ONLY SOURCE that can ONLY sustain me and fill me!

That created a sense of ease between Gabriel and I.....and I felt internally happy and satisfied!

I share this because I know the pressure some people feel around "special" holidays....Did I do enough, give enough, be enough, show enough? Did he/she do enough, give enough, show enough? I feel for Gabriel...he signed up for a double-whammy - bday and vday in one go! Wowzers!

If we can be love, extend love, know is....plugged into the Divine....we immediately are filled, whole and complete! And then we naturally emanate love and the energy or Universe around us matches that love vibration....and we experience the VERY thing we wanted all along! To feel and experience LOVE out the world around us. Not from getting, expecting or taking.....rather from being, knowing and emanating!!!!! Cool eh?!!!!

Extending beautiful, loving, nurturing support and goodness your way! YOU ARE LOVE! YOU ARE LOVED!
Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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