Subject: Unreal changes....You just know something miraculous is....

Hi Beautiful Being!!!
How are you today? How is your new year unfolding.....?

I posted the following on my FB profile and in our large Academy of Light group:

"When plans change in unexpected & unreal ways…You just KNOW it’s God’s Plan at Play!"

Isn't this sooooo true???

When sudden, unexpected major plans change....You can feel the energy buzz around it....You just know something miraculous is underway and around the corner.....

Have you ever experienced that?
Where it just seems to unreal that the ONLY thing to do in that moment is deeply surrender and trust!

It's kinda magical!
A childlike wonder opens and stirs.....

And when you sit still in the can palpably feel something beautiful and miraculous is in motion.....

Extending this magical, miraculous and pleasantly surprising energy and vibration your way today.....

May this WHOLE YEAR be made of magical moment and miracles led by The Divine!

BIG, beautiful light and hugs your way!

P.S. If you want some support with creating, allowing and receiving a miraculous year....You will LOVE this upcoming (paid) masterclass.....that starts tomorrow!
  • set the stage for abundance and prosperity!
  • open your energy field, mind, heart and chakras to receive the abundance that is naturally for you!
  • refine your subconscious mind and clear out THE ONE main "wound" that most of humanity carries that slows (or stops) easy abundance!
  • energetically activate your whole being for bigger abundance, opportunities, flow and prosperity!
You were divinely designed to be prosperous!
Every ancient book and scrolls of light and prayer (based on The Divine) tell us over and over and over again....that we are meant to be prosperous and abundant!

This could be an incredible year where you activate, receive and LIVE THE MOST abundant life yet!

Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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