Subject: Universe.....Direction please?! How do I know I'm on the "right" path and making the "right" decisions?

Hi Friend  :)
How are you today??? Have you ever found yourself asking or saying, "Universe / Creator / God.....Can you PLEASE give me some direction? Some guidance....some sign to let me know that I'm on the "right" track? Because right now, I have no friggin' clue."

This past week I've had soooooooooooo many of these conversations with clients.....from relationship clarity, to career moves, to life path choices, to financial decisions being made. It has been a powerful and challenging week for many (in part due to the full moon energy that asked us to look at what was "stinging" us in our lives and be free from it once and for all).

It's usually the moment when MAJOR change is upon us or we find ourselves at a crossroads that we REALLY begin to ask for help, clarity and direction from above. It's in these moments that it seems there is A LOT riding on the decision we make and we want to make sure that we are indeed going in the right direction.....

It's also in these moments when we start doubting ourselves....where our inner shadows and cracks start showing.....and confusion can set in.....Until we've spun ourselves around and around and around....with no real sense of direction. And then we crash or unplug or self-sabotage and throw our hands up to the sky.

One of my clients this week shared with me this exact moment of fear, confusion, self-doubt, question and spinning and finally said, "Ok, me what I need to see. Let me know with absolute clarity that I'm making the correct decision....." I said to her afterward in our session....."Next time, ask for the answer to arrive easily and gently. "The Universe" will ALWAYS respond!" And it sure did for brought the thunder in a way that shocked her and created an intense reality-contrast for her....there was no doubt whatsoever as to where she was being called to next! She was ready to leave LA and move to a new city. She was ready to be complete with the work she did with the company that let her go. She was ready to be free from the relationship that had fallen he had moved on to several other girls. She was ready to really call in what she wanted!!!!! And she was ready to step past her fears and comforts! (as the normal comforts were no longer comfortable!)
One of the best gifts we can give to ourselves in these moments of uncertainty is to know that there is no right and wrong. There's just choice, decision and experience. If we can take the pressure off ourselves from making a right or wrong decision we actually create a sense of ease and freedom around the whole thing! And when this happens.....we actually create space in and around us....which expands us back to our center and connects us to our Higher Self once again!

From here.....the clarity around the Soul's Path can unfold and arrive for us with ease! We actually begin to see and feel what step to take next!

I also know firsthand.....that having a strong connection to your intuition and Higher Self helps....because you can literally FEEL when a choice-point-decision is aligned with the greater, more joyful version of you....because it feels more joyful and expansive!!!! Expansion, delight and joy is the language of the soul!

(Soul growth is also a part of the journey.....however.....the Soul does not want us to suffer. It actually wants us to get the goods, the gift and the growth and get up and out! So that we can experience more joy again!)

So.....I ask you.....
  • What's shifting and lifting in your world?
  • Do you allow your Higher Self to guide your life and decisions?
  • Do you invite in your Higher clarity into the decision-making-process?
  • And do you have a go-to when things get really confusing? Chaotic? Circling?
Always know that any crossroads is an opportunity for refinement....realignment....and deeper clarity as to what you truly want to experience! You are a powerful creator! You have the keys to the kingdom (so-to-speak)! For my clients this week....we did some beautiful release work around the ego-stirrings that were settling in, cleared the subconscious patterns that have been there since childhood.....and did some meditating and loving energy work to allow them to just rest for a moment. Sometimes....many times....we just need to be held in love! At home....I recommend....
  • Pausing, taking a deep breath
  • Go and do something unrelated to the decision you're "trying" to make (most likely from your head)
  • And return to YOU! Meditate, connect with nature, do something creative....get reconnected to YOU and your Higher Guidance System! Clarity will arise when you're not narrowly over-focused on IT!
And when you know you need to additional support.....reach out and get it! (Book a Full Session or Free 30-min Soul Step Session to explore where to go or what you need to be free ==>

You do not have sit in struggle or confusion or spinning....AND you do not need to push through this on your own! You are loved, you are held in clarity and you have full support to make choices with ease and grace!!!!!
Have a sweet and loving weekend!
P.S. Many people wait for the perfect time to make a decision or stop themselves all together....frozen in fear. Let's make this choice-point-time different!....Your Soul wants you to feel free and happy and aligned NOW! Today! Time to choose!!!!! ;)
Book a Full Session or complimentary 30-min Soul Step Session ==>

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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