Subject: Toronto Premier of LEAP-The Coaching Movie with Jack Canfield!

Hi Friend  :)
How are you??? How was your weekend?

For the first time in a long time we celebrated Canada Day at home....enjoying the coolness of the air conditioning....Boy peeps weren't kidding when they said pregnant women can't take extreme heat.....I had a few dizzy spells over the weekend, which caused me to sloooooooow way down, put my feet up, honour my body and the babies, and nest a little!

I wanted to send a quick message your way for 2 reasons:
  1. To chat a little about slowing down and honouring YOU! And....
  2. To let you know that LEAP - The Coaching Movie that I was in with Jack Canfield, John Gray, Marci Shimoff and so many other amazing coaches and mentor.....premiers in Toronto this coming Thursday! Would LOVE to see you there! (I've posted details below)
LEAP Premiers in Toronto! (this Thursday)
If you live in and around Toronto....I'd LOVE to see you this Thursday for the first screening of LEAP - The Coaching Movie! It is a part of Reel Heart Film Festival! I'll be introducing the film and hanging around after for a little Q&A with some of Toronto's well-established coaches!

Here are all the details:
Slowing down & honouring self!
It can be one of the more challenging things to "do"....or not do! Because our society is so much about go-go-go, do-do-do, push-push-push. We have trained ourselves to run ourselves to the ground....which then requires us to stop in our tracks for a few days and then we start the cycle all over again. And we've expected others to push as much or as hard as we do : (

I've witnessed this in myself more times than I can count....and each time I say to myself, "Gosh, that is intense...I'm not going to do that again. This next round I'm really going to honour myself, create time each day for me to just be and rest so that the crash doesn't come." And then somehow I find myself months later repeating the entire cycle. What the heck?!

I had to SLOW DOWN - with the heat, my growing baby-belly, and carrying twins....sooooooo different than carrying just one baby! It got me thinking about where this pattern comes from and why it's sometimes so hard to break....Then I witnessed it in my parents when we were home a few weeks ago.....Fully moved into their new custom-built retirement home on the water....a view that is need to run around or run a business....and they could NOT sit still for a moment. Always on the go. Always doing something. Always on to the next thing.

I then noticed this same pattern in our neighbors, with clients and the world around.....people are so busy busying themselves....or trying to micro-manage other's time.....that there remains very little space to just be and honour the self with a little R&R, put your feet up, trust that the world will not fall apart if you slow down....and just let go......

Carving out time for ourselves (and respecting other people's time to slow down as well) to surrender into the calm, the breath, the creative, the restorative side of really about self-respect, self-worth, self-value, self-love. When we make this area of life a priority....we get to reinforce within ourselves that we love ourselves (and others)....we honour ourselves (and others)....and we will care for this incredible life and body that was given! This then sends a powerful message out into the cosmos, which returns to us quickly increased life flow, health, vitality, abundance, goodness, ease and Soul-flow!

In this moment I choose to honour myself! I choose to create and carve out DAILY self-care, self love and slow it all down! I choose to value life (all of life) and take the pressure of myself and others to perform, to push harder, and to do more. I choose to breathe more. I let go of the reins.....I surrender.....I trust!

If this message resonates with you....what do you choose to create in your daily life? What subtle or big shifts can you make that will honour the amazing, divine, beautiful being that you are?

Sending MASSIVE fluffy-cloud, cotton-candy pink love, support and sweet surrender your way! May you honour YOU! May you create time to reset and recharge....even if / when the world is spinning like crazy all around you!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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