Subject: Today is a POWERFUL day! Keep your thoughts clear!

Good morning beautiful!!!

Today is a SUPER POWERFUL DAY!!!! There is a full SOLAR ECLIPSE! There are 4 PLANETS IN ALIGNMENT with the earth (Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury....all the BIG astrological hitters!)!'s a NEW MOON! All of this is happening exactly 2:32 pm EST!

Other than, "Wow! Super cool phenomenon!".....Why is this soooooo important???

Every so often "The Universe" and The Divine get together to create these rare astrological events to help humanity get our sh*t together! And with all the chaos happening in the world right now I think it's perfect, divine timing....and we could use all the help and support we can get!

When you have planets in alignment.....this indicates an importance for US to get OURSELVES INTO ALIGNMENT WITH OUR HIGHER NATURE and SELF! To align with a bigger, brighter, loving, compassionate idea of the future....not only for our individuals lives....also for the greater whole of the planet and all consciousness!

When there's a solar eclipse....the natural light that gives way to life her is blocked out for a moment....having us reflect on the shadow side of life for a moment, release the past and step through powerful gateway for something new. It's like the moment before delivery....before creation can come out into the world or light! The pause between a breath.

And the new moon is all about new beginnings, setting intentions for what we want!

It's such a BIG and POWERFUL day that I've decided to host a FREE online masterclass and meditation to help support you in your creations! If there was ANY DAY to hold POSITIVE, HIGH VIBE the direction of where you want to go, what you want for self and the planet, and in alignment with a beautiful experience on earth.....TODAY WOULD BE THAT DAY!

Join me today at 10 am EST:

And if you don't have's ok....I'll be uploading the video to YouTube after and will email you the link : ) AND....if you want a clean & clear MP3 recording of the meditation....with music added, I'll send a new link after the session....
And...if you want to kick-start your clearing process, I did a short FB live on how to prepare:

Sending waves of positive goodness your way!!!!
Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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