Subject: The twins arrived and are already 3 weeks! (life update)

Hi Friend  :)
How are you? How is life unfolding for you?

I apologize that I haven't been in touch in over 3 weeks.....We've been living a BIG beautiful life!....With our newly expanded family!!!!.....On VERY little sleep (avg 3-4 hrs a night for the last 3 weeks)....I now understand the negative affects of sleep deprivation...wowzers....more insights in the coming weeks ;)

For now....I wanted to touch base and share the loving news with you! Cruz Jackson and Chase Hudson arrived in the world the night of August 28th!!!! Water broke at 1030 pm on Monday night.....we gathered our stuff and got all 3 of us ready to go to the hospital and then we waited.....and waited....and waited....I did not enjoy birthing at the hospital at all. Took me about a week to stop crying about the experience. After 20 hrs of contractions starting and stopping (due to being constantly monitored and fear-based conversations from the care providers....that immediately stopped the cycle and increased stress) I decided to introduce the synthetic oxytocin (0.4 units...they call it a "wiff" to kick start my body's natural ability to create contractions). Within 30 min contractions started and both boys were delivered naturally at 10:55 and 11:01 pm!!!!
I definitely "wow'ed" the doctors and nurses! They were cheering, clapping and in awe of delivering them naturally as quickly as I did! I suppose this was part of the divine plan to birth in the hospital!

Since....the boys are consistently gaining weight (they were 4.10 and 5.4 lbs when born) and thriving!!!! Super cute and healthy! We are enjoying every moment with them!
Aria is adjusting well too! We had a few days of intensity....where she wanted our 100% of our attention and we weren't able to give her what she was intense...and we made it through! She loves the boys soooooo much....saying how good they smell...kissing them several times a day....helping Gabriel and I with them! So many precious moments!
Other than the lack of sleep.....Gabriel and I are doing well! Getting into our groove! I'm excited to share with you the journey and all that I've been learning, moving through and getting insights about!

I also wanted to tell you about a beautiful family-based series that I was a part of a few days prior to the twins being born.....
Today's families look quite a bit different than they did in the past. The "unconventional" of yesterday is now becoming a standard. From divorce to blended families, sexual expression in our youth, and dealing with technology, there are so many considerations we must make as parents, which our parents didn't have to.
One element remains central: love. So what can YOU do to nurture the love, connection, and sense of belonging in your family?
I'm excited to tell you about an interview series my friend Toni Black is offering. It brings together more than 21 well-known speakers, including me, to share our advice for navigating life's obstacles while maintaining strong bonds with your loved ones.
It's called Successful Family Transitions – How to Navigate Life's Obstacles While Creating a Deep Sense of Connection with Your Loved Ones, it begins October 1, and you can reserve your spot at no cost, here:
Nurture Love, No Matter What.
When you go to the link above and register to listen in on this series of powerful conversations, you'll discover a virtual toolbox full of strategies to deepen your connections with your loved ones, no matter what your family situation looks like or how it's evolving.
We'll deep dive into what it means to raise children in today's society—and how you can do so with love, so the family connection remains strong no matter what.
Toni is the perfect person to host this event. She's experienced the magic of personal growth through numerous life-changing transitions, which have shaped her own family. She's also helped many other families navigate the choppy waters of transition during her 20-year-long teaching career. She strives to empower everyone with the knowledge that their family dynamics are uniquely perfect.
Create And Maintain The Strong Bonds Of Love.

Here is the link to access the full interview series!!! ==>

Have a sweet and loving day and week! I look forward to catching UP with you more and sending you further insights that have been streaming in!!!! MASSIVE LOVE your way!
P.S. The world is changing, but love isn't! Building and nurturing a family connection is more important now than ever. So go here to join us starting October 1 for Successful Family Transitions – How to Navigate Life's Obstacles While Creating a Deep Sense of Connection with Your Loved Ones:

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366
"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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