Subject: The sun, the sand, the ocean....and powerful transformation are calling your name!

Hi Friend!

I hope you're fully ENJOYing summer!!!!....Taking in the sun, some relaxation, swimming and just time to rest : )  YOU DESERVE IT!!! When we take time for self care and self love, we send out a powerful message to the Universe, "I value myself. I care for myself. I appreciate this life." And the Universe always says, "YES!" in response to what we focus on.....which in turn sends us an increase in self worth, more time, support and financial abundance to allow for continued self care, and more things to appreciate in this life experience! Pretty cool eh?!?

What ways do you already care for you? What things do you do that honour your self worth? And do you appreciate your experience here on this planet?

As we honour ourselves we begin to tap into an internal power that is infinitely creating, infinitely available to us, and infinitely filling us UP!

This summer I have REALLY taken the time to honour me....and refill my internal cup! And, as a result, I am feeling wonderfully blessed, blissfully grounded and bountiful in creation! I can't wait to share some of the upcoming and exciting things that are unfolding this fall!!!!

I also can't believe how fast this year is flying....before I know it I'll be in LA for a month, filming for The Coaching Movie, and then in Tulum, Mexico to co-host our second annual transformation and elevation retreat!!!!

I'd love for you to join us!
This year's theme is all about Living a BIG life, stepping into your power and FULLY enjoying the beauty that is ALL around us! Reflecting on last year's transformation and heart-opening....I am over excited to see what this retreat will deliver to the participants!

If the sun, the sand, the ocean and some life elevation and transformation is calling your name (and your soul)....I invite you on this incredible, blissful, nourishing retreat in Tulum, one of my favourite retreat locations....Amansala. As you can see from the pics....the colour of the water is stunning, the sand is soft to the touch, and salt water air is warm and hydrating (especially during our cold fall and early winter months!).

The daily transformation, meditation and yoga classes overlook the ocean! The beyond delicious! And the collective support from fellow travelers really creates a loving environment to stretch and grow from the inside - out!

AND.....I've created a very special offer for LOVING, AWESOME community!! All the details are on my website.....CLICK BELOW!!!!

Plus 3 Group Soul Sessions before we depart for Tulum (value $750)!
(just a few weeks left to receive this offer)

Sending a BIG, beautiful hug....filled with tons of goodness, loving support and high vibrational vibes!

Tara Antler
Author of "The Healing Manual - A Guide to Healing"
body-mind-spirit expert, intuitive, love-ignitor, international speaker, meditation facilitator, clarity coach

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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