Subject: The Final Stretch of Creation! How to Sail Through to Completion!

Hi Friend  :)
How are you?? And how are you feeling after ALL the BIG and powerful energy shifts from the full moon, new moon and eclipses??!! What a strong, intense and transformative ride we've been on!

I'm finally feeling the energy lift the past 2 days.....more energy, more clarity and more grounded! From what I've been energetically and spiritually told....we still have a transition time of about 2 weeks before the momentum really gets turned around in our HIGHER favour and our new creations begin coming to full fruition with ease and grace. And that for the time being....while we "wait"'s a great time to realign, ground, rest and begin to dream once again!

This led me to the topic / theme for today's "IN-sight Letter"!!!! --> The Final Stretch of Creation! How to Sail Through to Completion!

I often say to my Abundance Accelerators.....while you're "waiting".....not waiting for your creations to unfold.....there are some key things you can do and be so that you actually don't feel like you're waiting at all! Nothing worse than standing around, twiddling your thumbs, watching water boil or waiting for bread to toast.....or waiting the arrival of babies....or your manifestations and creations!

I always learn soooooooooo much from my life experiences and what's currently in my field....and as you can imagine.....much has been coming into my awareness around not getting caught in the wait of the twins to arrive! As of tomorrow, I'll officially be 36 weeks! Full term for twins! Yay! Made it! So they could literally arrive any day now! Exciting! Nervous! Calm and chilled.....And then back to exciting!
Here are some quick tips (that I've been applying in my life, right now) to help you sail through to completion of your creations:
  • DON'T WAIT! Don't allow the mind to trick you into the waiting game. Nothing worse than waiting for creation to arrive on your doorstep! Once you've set the energy / intention / creation / idea in motion.....once it's clear in your mind....once you've anchored the energy around it and your mind is clear that it is in motion....LET IT GO! Release it to Source / Creator / Cosmos.....and then.....
  • GO PLAY! Go out and enjoy life! Don't sit at home, waiting. Don't wait in your mind. Get out, get playful, get into your life and still live! Go to the beach, chill with friends, go on an adventure! This will allow time to unfold beautifully while you're NOT watching the clock and all will feel fulfilling! And.....
  • While you're FEELING FULFILLED you are a sending out a powerful signal (that will get returned to you 10-fold) that says you are complete, you are whole, you are fulfilled, you have! Which speeds UP your manifestations!
  • BE PRESENT to the goodness, love, gratitude, awesomeness that is already, always around you! This expands your heart and keeps your energy field big, beautiful and receptive to the good! And, on that note.....
  • BE OPEN TO RECEIVE! Create time and space to BE and be! This may mean chilling, relaxing, pausing, that your divine feminine side can accept your creations with ease when they do arrive!
Remember.....creation and all creative endeavours have a soulfully-aligned and designed time! When you play life in this way, things have a way of unfolding in such a beautiful, loving and harmonious way! You step out of trying to make stuff happen....stop forcing creation to arrive when your human - ego mind wants it to.....and tap back into the Higher, Creative, Infinite flow that is always working for our highest and best good....for all!

And.....if you can retrain your mind to know and remember that creation is always for you and working with you....then when it's time to take a step or action know that it's in highest flow and alignment and it won't feel like pushing.....but rather allowance, deep trust and fulfillment!!!!
Have a sweet and loving day and week!!!!!! You are always held in light!!!!!

P.S. I'll keep you posted as to how things unfold over here re babies!!!! And if you're feeling called to book in some time before babies arrive....I'm still "seeing" clients by phone / Zoom / online until they arrive! Being fully present to healing and soul expansion for my clients!!!!! Email me to schedule some time that works for you and I! Or if you want to get on the wait list for the next Abundance Accelerator....happening later this fall, message me!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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