Subject: Taking a LEAP! {INsights from LA}

(above pic: Aria & I, Donna (another coach from the film), Kasia & Patryk (creators of the film LEAP) & their babes!)

Hi Friend!!!!

I was up late the last 2 nights.....excited, lit UP, inspired and buzzing with energy! A handful of dear friends here in LA (Maureen, Jay & his friend, Marsh) joined Aria and I for the 1st LA screening of "The Coaching Movie - LEAP"!!!!.....And I'm sooooooo happy to report that the film is AMAZING!!!! Inspiring! Emotional! Beautiful! And very well created and crafted! I laughed, I cried, I felt like jumping up and down.....and it was refreshing to see a movie like this primarily about the clients and their journey! I'm sooooooo proud and honoured to be a part of this incredible and powerful film project AND CAN'T WAIT TO SHARE WITH YOU!

There are a few more weeks of film festivals before the movie can be officially premiered globally and then we can celebrate with a red carpet event! I'm over the moon! I will keep you up-to-date as things continue to roll out.....

After meditating before bed last night and reflecting on the film, the title - LEAP, and the clients, coaches, directors and my own journey.....I REALLY became aware of ALL the LEAPS of faith that EVERYONE took in co-creating the film! And even more so all the leaps that I've taken just in the last 2 years - filming while pregnant, naturally birthing Aria at home with just Gabriel and our midwife, growing and transforming my business, becoming a mom, traveling without Aria for the first time a few weeks ago, investing in my business and life like never before, traveling solo with Aria on this trip.....the list goes on and on......

And I know I will continue to face and take LEAPS! Over and over and over again! That's Soul-growth baby!!!! Which excites me! To think.....each time I took a massive step, walked through fear, elevated out of the unknown, bust through insecurity and doubt, rode the emotional tides of life, wanted to cancel my flight (including this trip because of fear), had to talk myself out of the ego's limiting voice (sometimes soooooo convincing).....AMAZING things ALWAYS presented on the other side! This film being one of them!

(Aria's 1st red carpet experience with the film co-creator's daughter!)'s not just about the physical reward like money, the great relationships, a beautiful house, etc (these are amazing and wonderful to experience too).....The amount of JOY, LOVE, INNER PEACE, HUMBLE GRATITUDE, AWESOMENESS, ABUNDANCE AND BLISS that I experience each day becomes more and more ever present, tangible, and long-lasting! always......I turn it over to YOU......Where in your life are you READY TO TAKE A LEAP? Often times the areas that we feel the most stuck in are the ones we need to LEAP in or toward......the crunches, hurdles, rough patches are indications and teachers of our growth. Grab fear or lack or doubt or insecurity by the horns and face them, bang on. Walk into them....and take a little or big step in a direction that will bring you more freedom, joy, ease, light, abundance, etc! You are worth it! And if not now, when? When is the "right" time to LEAP? It's like pregnancy.....there's never an ideal or perfect time....there's really just now! This moment! Today!

What's your LEAP????? What's the next step you've been waiting to take? Wishing for the "right" time? That back-burner thing, course, trip, change, transformation, idea????

I'm excited to hear more about it from you.....And see what you're stepping into! Let me know or engage with me on FB! I love hearing what you're UP to!

As always.....sending you MASSIVE love, joy, goodness and abundant flow!

P.S. If one of your BIG LEAPS right now is to have, live and be abundantly awesome (in all areas of life - relationship, finances, career, health, family) I invite you to join the next Abundance Accelerator! 6 week of high vibe energy alignment, receptivity for abundance, clearing of what's stopping you from having abundance, meditations to help with clarity and vision, loving community to support your journey.....Truly transformational! We start this Thursday and there are only 4 spaces remaining! Click HERE to apply (or click the photo below) and then all the info will be sent your way:
Here's what Kara said about the Abundance Accelerator: "I'm so grateful I took the leap into your abundance program!!! It has radically shifted things for me. Pinpointed that what I've been missing most is community and people who really see (and appreciate) me. Even though I went in with the goal of $$$. All the women in the accelerator program are amazing and the meditations are powerful. You can feel such love and support in the weekly meetings as well as the online group."

Tara Antler & The Soul Academy
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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