Subject: Sunday....Healing, Soothing, Nurturing....

Hi Friend.....Happy Sunday : )

All the wee ones are taking a nap (a rare thing these days!), Gabriel was on a client call, and I had a lovely moment to meditate for 20 minutes uninterrupted! Soooooooo sweet, loving, healing and nurturing! I cried, I cleared, I released, I prayed, I sat in gratitude, I transformed! Gosh...I miss this!

Have you ever had one of those meditations? All encompassing, all healing, all nourishing?.....sooooooooo GOOD!

When we were in Kelowna (LOVED) we found a beautiful, spiritual Lavender and Herb Farm that makes their own Essential oils and other soothing products. I fully enjoyed every moment! (pic above) It reminded me of my healing journey, my spiritual adventures as a healer and my deep studies as an Aromatherapist and Herbologist! I LOVE Lavender! Soooooo many healing properties!....Calms the mind, body and emotions....Soothes the entire being....Heals any cut, scrape, physical disruption....AND....vibrationally.....clears the auric field, aligns your crown chakra (which helps to align the whole system), and creates a sense of spiritual clarity.

This planet has so much to offer in terms of healing tools, support and modalities.

And....thankfully we do because there's A LOT shifting, healing and expanding right now! We were out yesterday and today...and I have never before felt, seen and experienced sooooo much public anger, rage, frustration and upset. Even the kids felt it and immediately responded to the energetic flux. It also materialized in Aria's body as intense stomach cramps after watching a mom totally lose it in rage on her two kids under 3 and husband at the restaurant. Gabriel and I were running clearings for them and us for about an hour until everyone went to sleep.

Have you been feeling it? The waves....the intense emotions....the energy fluctuations?
(The above pic is from our time in Vernon at Lake Kalamalka! The water is truly the Caribbean Ocean!)

While meditating Spirit reminded me of The Healing Hours that I used to run (in person and online) and "they" said, "It would be a great time to host one for your community. People are really moving through a lot and could use the support, healing and guidance." have listened and will be hosting a live online Healing Hour for you! On Wednesday night at 8 pm EST for 90 min. To heal, clear, transform, elevate, shift, receive loving support and guidance and meditate for healing. And move out of this wild energy....

Want to join? Yes! Yay!

Here is the link to join and attend:

You'll receive a recording of the session and the meditation right after for re-listening or if you can't make it live, you can still receive the love, healing and goodness : )

And...if you attend live you'll receive one-to-one guidance (as always in when peeps attend live)!

Have a sweet and soulful night! Open to receive all the nourishment and love of the Universe!
P.S. I ALWAYS find that when clients register for a starts to heal and clear immediately! This is the magic, mystery and power of healing and transformation beyond time and space!

Just YOU saying YES...taking a step for YOU, your expansion and growth.....and committing to your soul's transformation....shifts start instantaneously! Cool eh?! Can't wait to see you on Wednesday night online! BIG hugs!

intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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