Subject: Sometimes you just need to let your hair down! And throw caution to the wind!

Good morning sunshine!

So I made it safely to LA! Although my flight was delayed by 6 hours....after several cry-fest-moments missing my little angel-butterfly (Aria Sky).....I made it! And just when my ego-mind questioned my every move and decision to come down here (especially with a flight delay).....I quickly turned it around inside myself! And the moment I did incredible abundant flow poured into my life! They compensated everyone with food and a significant discount on our next flight (which I need to book for October)! And I had several opportunities present that I'll share with you very soon......

Today I finally feel a little more grounded, a little less guilty for leaving Aria back in Canada, a little more at peace that her and I are exactly where we need to be (she's also "working" back home....she got a GREAT role in a major commercial and has been on set the last 2 days!), and feeling into what it's like to have more than enough time in a day again....which is allowing me to get A LOT done and still have time for self-love / self-care! I am sooooo super grateful!

Yesterday Jess (my dear friend who I'm staying with) and I rented bikes down on Redondo Beach and cruised along the ocean boardwalk for miles! The views were stunning! The air a perfect temperature! The ocean waves blissful to the ear! (I did a little FB live....check it out here: Before heading back, we stopped off at a little beach cafe and enjoyed an iced americano and just breathed! Bliss!

After cycling, lack of sleep, buzzing energy from LA, time change, emotional surges, my "moon cycle" arriving.....I should have been tired, ready for bed. However, I was filled with energy, life force! I feel euphoric! Blissfully happy! Refreshed! Alive! Rejuvenated! Jess hit play on her iPod and the music was like food to my body and soul! So we had a little dance party!..."Into the Mystic", a little Marvin Gaye, "I Feel Good....Wow!", some good ol' 50's music! It was in that moment that I divinely remembered that sometimes we just need to let our hair down and through caution to the wind! You know those carefree moments....when we can release our to-do's, the responsibilities of our human experience, and just enjoy the simple pleasure of life itself! A classic "California moment"!

People say, "Follow your bliss and all be work out." I say instead of chasing bliss or trying to find bliss....."Do things that allow you to feel great. Surround yourself with people who lift you. Give yourself permission to move through the emotional struggles within. Trust in the divine flow that all is already and always working out for you. And bliss will rise within as a natural overflow!" It's in that exact moment that life just works! For you! For all around you! There is a natural order and divine flow!

After wrapping up my first Abundance Accelerator with 10 amazing, beautiful, high vibe women we've all been in a constant state of creation, up-leveling, refinement and new focus! (Jess, above, being one of them!) And after any good creation comes the harvest....which funny enough coincides with the Fall Equinox! Sooooooo MANY wonderful things are coming to fruition for the women in the group, including my own life! Yay!

If you're ready to also create MASSIVE abundance in your own life and UP your experience of bliss, joy, flow, alignment, well-being, connected-awesome relationships and an easy flow of our currency called money!!!!!.....I personally invite you to the next round of The Abundance Accelerator! A 6-week program of creation, manifestation and transformation + 3 months of Creation Conversation support! I haven't publicly opened the registration doors yet....Wanted to give you, my loving community, first dibs!
===> APPLY HERE!!!!! There's only room for 10!
And registration to the public starts in 1 week! could enter the fall in a wave of abundant goodness and bliss so that your winter months are warmer, brighter.....and abundantly flowing....which could carry your butt to beaches and tropical climates by the time winter starts!

Ready to get flowing and glowing??!!!! ===>

Let's do what brings us joy! The things that elevate us! That move us! That inspire us! There is something so magical and freeing when we do!!!

BIG beautiful California LOVE your way!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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