Subject: Something BIG and Beautiful is Happening!!!! 72 Hours to catch it.....

Hello beautiful Soul Traveler!
I hope your week is unfolding lovingly, soulfully and that you're over-flowing with clarity around your life, your path and the steps you need to take!!!!

.....and if's totally're not alone! Many people (myself included) are often challenged with clarity, focus, what path to take, purpose, decision and trust. I shared a story on the free Masterclass that I hosted last night around stalling and putting off a powerful decision that would radically change my life! Over 2 years ago I was asking for clarity, praying for a solution as to how to manage becoming a mom and still being an active and available healer, soul coach and entrepreneur in the world.

And.....over 2 years ago....not long after I sent out the cosmic request....I received the answer! Right there in front of me! The exact flow, format, coaching, help and system that I required to create ease, flow, balance, a smooth transition and more financial freedom than what I had previously known. And guess what I did next?!......NOTHING! I did nothing. I put it on the the someday the's the right time reasoning of my mind. WTF?! Was I off my rocker? Why would I give away the answer that had so powerfully arrived on my doorstep?

EGO.....that's what and why. That sneaky, fear-based, limitation-minded, let me keep you where you are feeling.....rushed in. And slowed my flow in many ways for 2.5 years. Finally....last fall...I make the commitment (after many moments in tears and on my knees praying for the same thing) and signed up for the heart-based coaching program that has beautifully elevated my life in ways I couldn't have imagined! It has allowed me to step into my next expression of MY BIG BEAUTIFUL LIFE!!!!!

Have you ever had one of those moments? When you've held yourself back from the exact thing / growth / elevation that you know you want and has arrived for you?
Wild, right?!

Pause for a moment and imagine your life as if you did take the if you did fully receive the if you did make the choice to move your life does that feel? Can you imagine what your life would look like / feel like / be like???? Exceptional! Aligned! Abundant! Powerful! Joyful! Fulfilled!!!!

I'm with ya! If you want a BIG beautiful blast of this continued good-stuff....check out the FREE Masterclass I hosted night! The replay is ONLY available for another 72 hours ==>

Have such a loving and joy-filled day!!!!! You are ALWAYS held in light!
P.S. If you're wanting to explore this conversation a little further....I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you register for the FREE Masterclass that I just hosted last night! Your BIG Beautiful Life! We covered sooooooooooo much! More than I could possibly share here....The replay will be available for the next 72 hours ==>

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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