Subject: Solar Flares are Activating & Influencing Manifestation Right Now!

Hi Beautiful Being!!!!

I just read an article today about solar energy, solar flares and another new wave of high frequency entering our atmosphere and flowing through every particle in our solar system! This high vibration energy is creating an opportunity for instant creation and manifestation!!!!

Awesome, right?!?!

Imagine being able to consciously create ANYTHING YOU WANT..........
Imagine being the full-bodied Creative Being that you are!.....
Imagine stepping into your full Creatorship......


When my Higher Self dropped this down to me over 16 years was both exhilarating and overwhelming. I remember thinking, "Great! Awesome! So I can really create anything I want?!?! I have the ability to create it all?! What if I create something I don't want.....yikes. How do I stay clear of that?"

And this is where my inner journey of truly mastering the art of manifestation and creation began!

I started working on focus and the direction of my thoughts.....refining them and getting super conscious as to what I think and power up in my thoughts.

I started navigating my them space to move and not being swayed by ongoing fluctuations (being super empathic.....I deeply FEEL everything and everyone!).

I started aligning my words and what I was speaking.....with what I truly wanted!

And I started attuning my chakra and energy field into higher and higher levels, feeling more and more grounded, and able to house brighter and lighter frequencies in my body vessel! I created spiritual harmony and coherence.

I knew I needed to refine ME, my ways of being and habitual thinking so that I didn't unconsciously or "accidentally" create something I didn't want.
It didn't take long to start seeing precise results in what I was calling into my life!
....The sweetest, most aligned apartments at monthly rates that were unheard of in Toronto always arrived for me!
....Beautiful healing studios to see clients from landed in my lap!
....Clients and friends were referring clients to me so frequently that I had a waiting list!
....Money always showed up for me when I asked for it!
....The relationships and friendships in my life were pure gold! Pure Love and respect!
....Was asked several times to be featured in magazines, TV shows, and radio interviews.....
....When I was 33....I manifested my first 9886 dollar month between the 2 businesses I had at the time by simply "joking" with a soul-brother friend that I'd love to see that exact amount that month!

When I started teaching these masterful principles to my clients and students....they too started to see massive shifts in their life!
....Calling in their divine partnerships!
....Allowing in new abundant opportunities (job, career, clients, TV, film, auditions, getting recognized by well-known singers)!
....Creating miraculous healing and transformation in their bodies and relationships!
....Receiving higher amounts of income!

After 20 years of mastering manifestation and "working" with clients.....Conscious Creation and Masterful Manifestation are essentials to experiencing bliss, joy, health and heaven on earth! And it's not "hard" takes mastering mind, emotions, words and energy. The aligned action then is easy!

I feel sooooooo honoured and grateful that Gabriel and I get to share what we've learned and mastered with clients and students....and in this next round of The Divine Overflow (a part of Thrive 365)! I love facilitating the powerful tools and practices of manifestation! I love facilitating the attunements!....Oh....the attunements! The activations.....we called the "Abundance Accelerators" and "The Codes of Creation"!

It's elevation, expansion, acceleration and alignment all at once! For our clients and for us!
I'm soooooooo excited for this next evolution! To witness AL the greatness our clients are already creating! To amplify what Gabriel and I are creating! And I'm excited to share it all with you as it unfolds over here!

If you want to learn more about The Divine me back and I'd be happy to share the goodness with YOU!

Tara and King Gabriel

P.S. 2023 is the year of elevation and revelation! What are you elevating? What
is being revealed to you regarding your greatness? And are you ready to
create and receive it all?!?!?!
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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