Subject: Slowing it all down.....and if you're interested...Channeling Circle starts this Thursday!

Hi Friend! How are you???
I can't believe it has been a few weeks since I emailed you last....WOW! Time sure does fly. A quick little baby-pregnancy update before I share some loving insights to shift and lift your world....last week my parents were visiting and they attended one of our every-2-weeks ultrasounds. It was such a loving and wonderful they have never seen a live ultrasound! My heart overflowed with so much love and gratitude that we could share this experience with them! Gabriel and I sat in the room with the technician and then the nurse practitioner....concern was given around my cervix shortening already, early labor and small babies (they are now 32 weeks). Immediately I started to cry. It was like someone had burst my joy bubble. Fear had washed over me. We immediately drove up to the hospital so that I could have a shot that would stop early labor and speed up the babies lung development.

As we drove back home (and after meditating) I reflected on what was really happening....I was being asked to SLOW down and sit down....way down (not an easy thing for me "to do"). The message was coming in from all angles....and it was time to listen. Even my grandpa and grandma Antler (who are long passed) popped in to echo the same advice.....slow down. It's time to move into your divine feminine and do a lot less and be a lot more! I had over done it - from moving the rooms of our house to lifting to being on my feet too long.....

Sometimes we get these shocking moments to wake us up and align us to a new flow! This one was of them for me! I'm happy to say that over this last full week....I have slowed waaaaaaaaaay down....have been working from home....went for a pedicure and facial....had one of my soul sisters treat me to a Reiki session....and really doing nothing! As a result soooooo many loving, beautiful insights have been flowing into my awareness around the practice and benefit of slowing down in general (see more and tools to slow down and return to your natural flow).....
I'm happy to announce that we are starting up the High Vibe Channeling Circles again this week! Every Thursday for the next 3 months at 8 pm EST! And I've created 2 new pkg options to make it an easy-fit with your schedule!!! You can register HERE ==>

These circles are magical! Loving! Supportive! Nurturing! Intuitively expansive! And soulfully insightful!
  • We open each circle with a group check-in.....where you get to share and receive support for what you're moving through in life.
  • We then intuitively (and sometimes collectively choose) "where" to go, who to tap into and what group of energy peeps we will channel (from guides to angels to loved ones passed and beyond)!
  • I then intuitively guide the group through a channeling meditation and experience where you get to connect energetically with whomever we connect with and get messages for you first!
  • Then we open the circle to expand your intuition and tune into messages for others in the group!
  • And many times....your guides and angels will channel healing light to you throughout!
It's one of my FAVOURITE classes to facilitate! register please use the following link:
THE ART OF SLOWING DOWN..... onto the insight goods.....

Sometimes it's not an easy task to slow down....especially when we're used to momentum, busyness, the to-do-lists and all the stuff that occupies our mind, life and body. Much of our society is functioning from adrenal exhaustion and yet we keep on pushing. What a blessing to be given this time to slow....knowing that if I don't it could negatively impact my babies and me.....what a wake up call!

Here are my suggestions for slowing down & why:
  • Don't wait for the wake up call to happen! Sometimes it is so drastic and painful that it knocks us way down. You have full power to choose balance, rebalance and chill time now....
  • Being is just as important as doing....and the last time I checked....we have both masculine drive and feminine flow a part of us! When we're pushing too hard...the body and being will eventually push back.
  • Carve out time EVERY DAY! YES....EVERY DAY for rest, putting your feet up, bathing, laying in a hammock, meditation, least an hour a day would be awesome! This will give your body, mind and energy field a chance to reset and will give your nervous system and adrenals a chance to nurture, rest and repair.
  • Keep it simple! It doesn't have to be elaborate like going to a spa every day / week or checking out for a week (unless you really want to). It's the simple daily non-doing, being activities that you can plug into your life that make the real difference.
  • You may feel the pull back toward the push-go-do energy. Acknowledge it and then consciously choose to rest and relax again and again....until it becomes more natural!
Mind-Body-Soul Benefits to Slowing Down:
  • You return to the flow...the natural rhythm of YOU, of Source energy, of your full being! When this opens up! And MANY of the things you're racing around to "get" actually arrive to you with ease, flow and grace!
  • You get to experience a more full version of YOU! A whole, complete, relaxed version of you! Which can inspire you! After a full week of letting go and non-doing-ness....I actually could hear and feel the energy of the trees swaying in the wind and the sunlight dancing off the water. I became so present to the joy around me that I found myself naturally smiling!
  • Presence! You get to experience life with a more mindful, present and rich context! Today while at the waterfront....Aria and I grabbed a bite to I was just being....I watched her and felt so blissfully happy just being with her! Present to her! Savouring this incredible life and being right in front of me!
  • Life becomes more soulful ALL the time! 
  • Increased intuition and ability to tune in to your guides and those passed on!
  • You fine-tune your EVERYTHING awareness! You'll find yourself being so beautifully if all your senses are heightened!
After several days of uncomfortableness.....learning to unwind and slow down....I can honestly say that today I feel the full richness of the value of being! I can feel my uterus relaxing. I can sense the babies flowing and growing! I can use my breath to redirect my thoughts much more fluidly. And.....I can feel my whole being thanking me for listening and re-adjusting!

It is soooooooooooo worth being able to slow down! I HIGHLY recommend it! Even if you aren't expecting twins! And if you are in alignment with this....and choose the art of slowing down....let me know what your experiences are! I would LOVE to know what flow presents for you!!!!
MASSIVE beautiful flowing LOVE your way!

P.S. If you're wanting some soul support during this slowing down.....check out the High Vibe Channeling Circle! It truly is a supportive, nurturing experience that will balance your entire life while elevating your Spirit! ==>

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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