Subject: Restoring alignment when you feel out of whack.....

Hey Beautiful!
How are YOU?! It feels like FOREVER since I wrote to you.....

Time has been flying we've been fully enjoying the remainder of summer in Northern Ontario - LOTS of swimming, playing and dancing in the rain!

And we've been creating many things...holding space for many ideas....and soooooo many projects have come to fruition and fulfillment in the past few months! (I've shared more case you're interested)

Now...on to the topic of the day.....
Restoring alignment when you feel out of whack.....

I was getting ready to go live today for noon....and it was one thing after the next....something wrong with the hydro poll and they needed to fix some things. Then Cruz had a major melt down over a sandwich. Then the contractor urgently needed Gabriel for 40 minutes.....

....Finally an hour or so later....I had the time and space to go live. And....I was so flustered and out of whack I couldn't feel into what I wanted to talk about. I shared this with Gabriel and he said, " could share what it's like to be out of whack and how to restore your alignment!" (half laughing)

Of course!!!! The simplest, more real thing I could do, talk about and share real-time what I do!
If you want to watch the 17 minute can use this link:
The quick tips were:
  • Get reconnected to Source, Creator, The Divine or Mamma Earth! Allow divine source light and energy to flow through you so that easily and beautifully re-align to your true state!
  • Remember....this earth plane is a temporary experience....a temporary home away from home. We take this all sooooo seriously sometimes and feel the bigness of it all.
  • Go and do something connected to your passion, purpose or calling! The moment you step out of your immediate world of step back into your real self....and ultimately back in alignment!
You then get to feel soooooooooo good, happy, flowing, peaceful, powerful and radiant again!

Let me know if this resonates for you.....I LOVE hearing from YOU!

And....on to some of the goodness that has come to fruition over here......

The Divine Wisdom Insight Cards are Available!
Yes! They are at the printers as we speak! And you can be part of the movement and excitement by being some of the first to order before we officially launch!

Light Ascension Retreat!
Gabriel and I haven't hosted a retreat in years...and we're sooo excited for this! You can attend in person or virtually! 3 days, 2 Northern Ontario! We had room for 33 and have 8 spaces left! If this calls to me back and I can send you all the beautiful details!

Ascension Light Leadership Mentoring!
Soooo many of our clients have come to us for spiritual business mentoring, while growing spiritually! And sooooo....we have created the perfect sweet spot! A mastermind - Ascension Program with 1-1 support, Soulful Business Sessions, Light Leadership retreats and Ascension Attunements to expand EVERY area of your life! If this speaks to me for all the beautiful details!

So so sooooooo LOVELY to reconnect with you! Gabriel and I are sooooo honoured to have you a part of our world....and thank you for allowing us to be a part of yours!

Wishing for you soooooo much love, expansion, abundance and joy!

BIG hugs!

intuitive healers, spiritual guides & teachers, international speakers
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Published Author

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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