Subject: Receive some Sedona energy!!!! (while I'm there!)

Hello bright and shiny soul!!!!!

How are you???? Enjoying the onset of summer!? I LOVE LOVE LOVE this time of year! Everything bursting with energy, life, colour and fragrant aromas in the air! I'm using all that beauty today to remind myself to breathe and be present.....while packing, organizing, finishing up last minute work things....crazy-town here in our house today! First time flying solo with Aria Sky! We travel to Sedona tomorrow for our next Soul Awakening Retreat!!!!.....with 9 other beautiful women! Yay!!!!

Today.....I had an insight to share the energy our retreat group will be surrounded by and tapping into while in Sedona! It's such a powerful and expanding place on the planet....and ANY opportunity we have to infuse our life with this much ALWAYS a welcome blessing!!

I have 2 ways for YOU to join us during this small high vibe window!
This meditation and creation masterclass will be 100% intuitively guided and channeled..... flowing with the energies of the day, based on the group that gathers and based on whatever is "shown" to me.....EXCITING!!!! LOVE the unknown, open space of pure energy! And then....we're going to get SUPER CLEAR on what we want for our life and experience and amplify the energy around our creations!!!! And receive powerful, elevated energy to support those creations and manifestations! Yay!!!!!!

This meditation and creation masterclass will definitely be:
  • high vibes
  • positively energy activitating
  • life elevating
  • intention and creation boosting
  • clarifying
  • and, as always....loving and nurturing!
When: Thursday, June 15th from 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST

Where: From the comfort of your home! AND, I'll be in streaming to YOU!
Even if you can't make the live session or time.....EVERYTHING will be recorded and will be emailed to all participants within a few hours after the class!

EXCITED to have YOU join us!!! You can register by clicking the button below or using the following link:!

OR.....Your other option is amplified & includes the above Sedona Masterclass!
A few weeks ago I sent out an email announcing a powerful and amplified 1-Day Accelerator for Manifestation and Creation.....AND....the response was AMAZING!!! 4 people are already fully registered and others asked if I would be open to creating this as a mini-retreat option out of the city (Toronto)! LOVED the idea!....Ask and you shall receive! And so it is!

There are now 2 ways to participate in this Accelerator Workshop :)!!!!
  1. Register for the 1-Day VIP Intensive (live or online) June 24th!
  2. Attend the 1-Day VIP Intensive Mini-Retreat (live or online) in the Muskokas!

What's included in your 1-Day VIP Intensive???

  • 6 concentrated hours together - 1 hour per accelerator technique & activation
  • we'll uncover hidden blocks stopping your flow
  • get laser focused on what you TRULY want to create & manifest
  • unlock your soul vision
  • 6 specific guided accelerator, energy efficiency techniques, activation & meditations
  • I'll guide you through the ENTIRE process
  • personal time given to each of the 6 participants
  • recording of all the meditations from the day so that you can repeat after our day together

As a'll also have the luxury of staying at a gorgeous villa in the Muskokas, which includes meals and accommodations!!!! And the 6 sessions will be carried over 2 days.


  • "Get Aligned" energy call while I'm in Sedona (Thursday, June 15th from 10 am MST / 12 pm EST)....channeling all that high vibe energy your way! This will help you prepare your mind and energy for when we meet!
  • Receive 3 post VIP Intensive 30-minute one-on-one sessions to help support your integration!!!! Valid for 3 months.
  • Receive the above Meditation and Creation Masterclass mentioned above!

These ACCELERATOR techniques.....

  • easily & effectively remove the energetic & subconscious blocks that stop us from creating powerfully!
  • take us out of the "pushing, harder, what's wrong" approach and into divine flow, ease, grace and alignment!
  • ignite your inner creator - Source/Spirit/Soul/God force powerfully & tangibly!
  • create an infinite world of not only possibility....create & receive-ability!
  • revitalizes your divine life force flow of pure goodness & gifts to you!
  • brings your physical life into deep fulfillment & dreams in the air into fruition!
  • and speeds up the creation process! Create faster & more efficiently!

If you have any questions....please feel free to message me : )

Can't wait to share Sedona with you!!!!! BIG hugs and tons of goodness your way!
Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "IN-sight letters", which are sent out randomly as "spirit" directs. You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )
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