Subject: Next Level Thriving!

Good morning!....good morning!!!!! How are you this beautiful new day?

I finally had a Saturday morning to sit by the winter, watch the snow, sip on tea and write to you!

I've been thinking A LOT about THRIVING! What it means to to to reset and re-balance when life seems out of whack....and knowing when it's time to re-calibrate so that we / you can return to a thrive state!


With all that is happening in the world....we've heard from so many that they are feeling wobbly and really thinking about the months to come....

I felt called to kick-start the conversation....with the intention that you do not have feel the big dips or heaviness with waves of change and wavering. To give you some tools to return to a Thriving state right this moment!


Here goes....
  1. Strengthen Your Mind or Mindset
  2. Expand Your Heart Field
  3. Stay Connected to Conscious Community
1. Strengthen Your Mind or Mindset
  • Prepare your mind ahead of time....Choose a positive mantra to anchor clarity and thriving energy into mind, body and being! Set the stage now! A great mantra that I use and give to clients is: "I choose to Thrive all day, everyday!"

2. Expand Your Heart Field
  • Meditate, connect to Source, be in nature or play! Keep your heart light and playful, easy, open and flowing! When your heart is happy...your energy stays expanded which allows more goodness to flow into your world!

3. Stay Connected to Conscious Community
  • Know that you are not alone. There is conscious, loving, supportive community all around you. Instead of retracting....extend and connected instead! When two or more are, love and light-vibes exponentially increase! Life feels easier when we know there are others we can turn to, talk to or connect with! For example...inside our Light Ascension Collective....there is soooooo much love and support + daily videos + meditations + movement sessions to help support your journey and elevate your life!

Remember....You get to choose regardless as to what is happening around you....You can reset, reconnect and realign in a moment or minute! Thriving is your natural state of being....your birthright!

Your higher self wants you to thrive! Your soul wants you to thrive! Creator wants you to thrive! The earth wants you to thrive!

And if you want to thrive.....NEXT LEVEL....I invite you to join us in our next, upcoming free workshop ==>

It begins in 2 weeks!!!
Sending massive light and pure goodness your way!

P.S.If you know anyone in your world who would love to experience what it's like to thrive now....feel free to send them the link and invite them to join you in the workshop:

You get to thrive together! Soooooo FUN!
Co-Founders of Ascension Academy of Light
Spiritual Centre for growth, expansion & elevation!

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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