Subject: Newsletter > In need of some magic, sunshine and soul awakening?

Happy Monday Sunshine!!!
Thought I'd sprinkle ya with a little internal sunshine to light UP your day!!! I hope you had a restful weekend...I know this time of year can be crazy busy with shopping, parties, money managing and finding a little time to just relax. Wrapping you in love and internal stillness so that you move through this holiday season with ease and grace.

I had a wonderful week and weekend of surprises...After flying home from Tulum on Monday my husband thoughtfully placed over 40 love and appreciation notes around the house!!!!!...And had a candlelight bath and candlelight dinner ready for my arrival! I felt like the luckiest girl in the world!!!!

Then the next day my parents surprised us with a visit for a few days! It was sooooo wonderful to have them here! I then felt called to reach out to an old friend about rekindling teaching yoga and the very next day she offered me a beautiful restorative Reiki yoga class at her studio (BuddhaRider), which I taught yesterday....magic!!! One just never knows how or when dreams from days past will unfold and manifest!

And to top off the weekend, last night while finishing dinner with my husband, after driving back from Collingwood, I was talking to a client about her deposit for our upcoming Costa Rica Retreat and I had a MASSIVE deja vu!!! Spirit has shared with me that a deja vu is a message from your soul letting you know that everything is in perfect, divine order and that we are exactly where we're meant to be. It's like a road marker to say, "You're on the right track...keep going. Perfect alignment all the way!" And when we have a deja vu with others in the's for them too!!! Miracles unfolding for everyone everywhere!

Last day of our "get happy" retreat in Tulum!!!
As 2014 is coming to a close we begin to move into new energy once again...Time to reset! Time to re-ignite! Time to re-invest!....It's a great time to look at what's important to us, where we want our life to go, how we want things to unfold and create a massive RESET for our life! The year 2015 holds the energy of 8!!!!!! A fabulous number that carries the energy expression for manifestation, creation, creativity, igniting ideas and dreams into reality and activating alchemy!!! It's also a fabulous number for business advancement, acceleration and abundance, and starting new projects! And it's all about seizing the moment...or as I like to call it...."THE ETERNAL NOW"...Where we release the past, stop the worry of the future and step powerfully into the now of what we want, what we want to create and just do it already!!!!

Are you ready??? Are you feelin' it???

If not it's totally okay....sometimes we need to take some time to clean out the old to make room for the new. The cobwebs of life can slow our acceleration down.  Sometimes we need some support to clear the "stuff" that's holding us back. If this is the case, please, please, please reach out.....Energy work and opportunities to heal are sooooo powerful and profound for shifting our entire space (head, heart, energetic, emotional, etc). And I WANT to SEE YOU as clear, radiant and seriously LIVING IT to YOUR FULL CAPACITY!!!!

For me, I couldn't figure out why I was feeling sooooo drawn to talk about Alchemy this coming year until just now, as I was writing this message to you and figured out the 8 significance to 2015! Of course!!! Divine alignment!!! Right in time! This 2015 has a number of amazing upcoming events, retreats, new projects bursting into light and a new round of some powerful, life-transforming courses begin!!! See below for what's upcoming.....

And if any tickle your fancy ; )  or create a stir within, please message me....The time is NOW to listen to your soul's call and take a powerful step in living your most beautiful, radiant life! YOU'RE WORTH IT!!!

Want to Retreat?
Soul Awakening - Activate Your Inner Alchemist!!!

Mystica Retreat Centre
Costa Rica
Feb 28 - Mar 7, 2015
Want to Clear?
The Self Healing Program begins again!!!

Amazing transformations occurred over the fall with our first 54 participants!
Begins Jan 13, 2015
Want to Coach?
Awaken others through coaching&mentoring!

Graduates from last year are THRIVING with dreams into reality! I'm so happy for them!
Begins in March, 2015
Here are a few pics of places you will see at our upcoming Soul Awakening Costa Rica Retreat!!! Pure magic, as we tap into the creative energy of Arenal Volcano and the rainforest!!! Would LOVE for you to join us!!!

We have a FABULOUS Early Booking Bonus (valued over $1000) if you register before December 31st with a $500 deposit! Space is limited as we can only accommodate 15 people and we already have 6 people booked!!!! YAY!!!!
Know that you are always loved and held in the highest light!!! You are pure magic!!!!
Creating Your Dream Life....
Over the next few weeks I'll be sending out 3 separate messages to you...helping you to create your dream know...the one we sit and imagine and maybe have created a vision board for....and sit and wait with little response.....I TOTALLY WANT YOU to live the most amazing, joyful, blissful life! And it's definitely possible with a few tweaks and tools! Keep your eyes on your inbox for 3 Steps to Creating Your Dream Life!

2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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