Subject: Moving through fear {Insights from Sedona}

Hi Friend! How are you this loving day???

Aria and I arrived back from Sedona around 2 am Monday/Tuesday and have been resting A LOT after our wonderful adventure and retreat! Sooooo many insights and profound awareness are still trickling in as we integrate back into our regular daily life. Over the next month I'd love to roll out the insights for you....sharing the goodness and high vibes from Sedona and all the magic, mystery and wonder we received from our time there!

Today's "IN-sight" is all about fear and moving through fear, anxiety, doubt, worry or stress. And was inspired because during our retreat Aria had a fever arise....with a steady climb to 102....for which I had to give her baby Tylenol. First time with a fever.....or anything big move through her physical system like that.....She's still recovering....with a hive-heat rash on her little body : (

As a parent we want the absolute BEST for our little ones.....I can feel myself wanting to take away her unease and suffering.....and yet....the spiritual truth within keeps saying, "Just lovingly support, hold and love her. Her divine connection knows how to heal and restore her. Be still and listen inwardly for what she needs." Talk about ultimate trust! Wowzers.....I haven't felt this much stress, concern and fear (on top of lack of sleep) in a loooooong time.......And to boot....doing my best to tend to Aria, while leading a retreat, while Gabriel was back in Canada.....OMG.....I'm still feeling the emotional stress of it all.......

Thankfully, we're back home, Gabriel is now with us to help, we had amazing love, high vibes and support on the retreat, and she seems to be on mend now.
Moving through this....insights have been flowing into my consciousness about how to move through fear, what fear is really here for and how to relax even more into trust.......Here are the high vibe tips and tools I wanted to share with you.....

FEAR (worry, doubt, anxiety, stress, etc)
  • Fear gets created as an after-effect because we've stepped out of alignment and into doubt or worry or lack of trust. For example: something happens or comes our way that we're uncertain about....or feel a lack of control over.....or aren't sure how to handle something.....And a feeling of doubt, worry, etc arises which opens the fear door.
  • Once we walk through the fear door....we begin to feel low, tired, anxious, "fearful". This takes us even further out of alignment. And can cause confusion, uncertainty, hypersensitivity as to what to do next....the "fight or flight" system kicks in.
  • We need to catch ourselves in these moments and begin to flip the sh*t as quickly as possible!
  • As with any "low vibration" experience or emotion, fear has a wonderful gift for shows us where limiting beliefs reside within us, where we need to grow to, can strengthen us, deepen our spiritual practice and alignment, and create a wonderful cascade of deeper trust if we allow it.
  • On the retreat, we talked about fear.....and I said to the ladies, "See fear as a curtain rather than a roadblock, wall or barrier. That way you can pull back the curtain or veil and choose to walk through or past it. Way less energy spent in comparison to busting down a wall. Fear can come up when we're growing....when we're becoming an even brighter version of ourselves! And it's up to us to continue to walk through ever fear curtain and set our sights and focus on ultimate truth! YOU ARE GROWING! YOU ARE GUIDED! YOU ARE SUPPORTED! And on the other side of that curtain is greatness, awareness, more trust, more love, more joy, more freedom than ever before!"
  • In this current situation with Aria...I realized I had a deep fear of dealing (or not dealing) with physical imbalance by myself with her. What if something really bad happened? What if I made a mistake? In moving past the fear....What if everything works out!? What if all is well and in alignment, as crazy as it seems and feels?! What if she's moving exactly the way she needs to?! I know she has a divine flow connected to her that wants the very best for her! And to continue to move past any outside fear thoughts from anyone else...and keep focusing on her well-being!
  • We hear about trust allllllllll the time.....that we need to trust deeper, trust more, etc....but how do we actually do that when we're in the middle of fear, etc.??? The best thing I've to meditate, get into nature, get reconnected to the divine....and rest in it! Let it fill me up, let it overflow and take over my thoughts. As I soften, I can literally feel a nurturing energy fill and surround me. I then feel like I can breathe a little deeper, feel a little calmer and receive clarity a little more. The longer and more often I go into this connected space....the longer the positive effects last!
  • Trust is like letting go, surrender, softening, relaxing. Relax through the fear, soften through the intensity, breathe through the're body and being deeply, inherently knows trust! And connection!

  • Often times when we see others moving through something intense our personal stuff or beliefs get triggered and we can start worrying or stressing on top of what's already happening.....This IS NOT HELPFUL or actually prolongs the situation and then leaves you personally feeling crappy too.
  • The best support we can offer or give to another going through pain and suffering is to look past the pain and suffering and see him/her/them as whole, healthy, healed, loved, supported, free, connected, etc! Hold the "high watch" (as I like to say to my clients!). Hold the high vision so that he/she/they can feel this truth and quickly get back in touch with it.
  • Your thoughts are prayers.....What are you praying "over" someone? Health, well-being, love? Or worry, stress and fear? Most do that latter....unawareness that they are literally sending energy currents to that person. What do you want to send someone? What do you want for someone? What would you want for yourself? These simple questions will help you stay in the positive "prayer" space!

I hope these insights make a difference for you.....If you have any questions....or anything personal that you're moving through....please reach out, get connected....

You are sooooooo loved and always held in perfect light!!!
Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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