Subject: Monthly Magic, Happenings & IN-sights!

Hi Friend!!!!
How are you beautiful???? I hope your weekend was loving, restful and nurturing. Self care is soooooooo important! Time to recharge, reconnect and re-align. And holy smokes....did you feel the surges and blasts of the latest solar flare?! It was intense! Causing everyone to sleep more, go within, rewire self and rest while we reset. Soooooooo much light was being beamed at us....causing humanity to WAKE UP like never before! And waking up means burning off the old, the limiting, the shadow.

Personally, I did A LOT of inner reflection over the past few weeks. Looking at what's important, what I love, what I'm grateful for, what needs to release, what's old and outdated, and the emotional state that I really want to anchor into so that my manifestations create with ease. Sooooooo good.....and sooooooo intense and uncomfortable. When the ego / shadow self creeps in it can be loud and over-bearing.....having us believe in fear, lack, limitation, doubt, guilt, shame, sadness, depression, failure, etc.

We hear it all the time...."change is uncomfortable".....and we're like, "Ya, totally"....until we're knee deep in it....then we're like, "Holy f*ck....this sucks."

What do you do in those moments? Cry, throw the towel in, talk to a friend, go for a walk, meditate, deep breaths, get angry, cave over? I think I've done all of that the past few weeks. And not eating sugar or bread makes it even I can't artificially "UP" myself when I was feeling REALLY bad. All of it in an effort to find my centre once again.

A powerful tool I give to clients ALL the time in sessions is to reflect and know your pain-pattern.....the path that leads to the ego and only to pain. You first notice the thought or feeling that triggers you down. It could be comparison, doubt, fear, lack of money, an argument....something that causes an initial fall from grace. And if we don't catch ourselves here, clear and lift....we fall down another level...further into the ego. And if we don't catch ourselves here....we fall again. We do this again and again until we hit a bottom point of despair. The key is know yourself....know your pathway. Write it down. Bring it to light. the future....when the initial fall from grace moment may be able to catch yourself before you go alllllllllll the way down. It's easier to lift up from a little stumble as opposed to the bottom of the well.

As I sit here, Sunday night, writing this message to you....After having a day of tears and fears around EVERY area of my life....and finally singing, cleaning and meditating I have returned to grace! Clarity is pouring a spotlight over my head, beaming through my heart and hands. It feels sooooooo good to return to Source-Connection, heart-clarity and that simple feeling of internal peace. I stream all that and more your way...................I see you wrapped in vibrant, rainbow streams of light......streaming down into your crown and all the way through your body. I see this light swirling around your body and clearing your energy field. I see this light ground down into your earth-lines. I see you as whole! I see you as light! I see you as vibrant as your soul knows you to be!

Sometimes we just need to be held, supportive and loved! And to have someone else hold the high-watch for us for a moment! Soooooooo.....I hold space for you! I stream high vibe energy healing light your way! May you be filled UP to overflow!

And if you want to explore what I've got going on at The Academy of Light and Tara Healing Sanctuary this month....I've listed a few of the workshops and happenings below.....

BIG hugs!
I'm REALLY excited to share this! My team and I have created a fabulous and easy-to-use online portal for ALL my Plug IN & Power UP episodes! There are over 200 episodes! AND my exclusive Soul Navigation Library....all-in-one with over 100 videos, audios and meditations! All labeled and tagged for easy sorting! So for example....let's say you want some support with relationship upsets....simply login, search relationships or conflict or love....and ALL videos pertaining will pop up!

Or....let's say you want to increase your manifestation ability or abundance....simply search money, miracles, manifestation or abundance....and ALL videos in this area will appear!

Or....let's say you are moving through a physical health challenge....simply search health, wellness, anxiety, depression, mind-body, etc....and ALL videos re health will arise!

Pretty cool, eh?! AND.....right now for another can access this portal for life at the pre-launch rate for only $10 a month!!!!! (instead of $39 / month for both platforms) Simply click this link to sign UP ==>
Are you familiar with Reiki? It is the foundation of all my healing sessions and a modality I have been practicing for 17 years and teaching classes in for 16 years!!! I LOVE Reiki for its simplicity, love, connection to Source and ease through which it flows through everyone attuned!!!!

If you're curious about Reiki or have always wanted to learn more about it (for self healing or to use on friends and family or in a healing practice), I personally invite you to my next Reiki Course!

And if you're already attuned to Level 1 and 2....and want to further your practice or start facilitating Reiki courses.....I invite you to the next Level 3 / Masters course!

Simply reply to this email and say, "YES! I'd like to learn more about your next Reiki course!" .....and we'll flow from there!!!! Can't wait to share this powerful healing modality with you!
Gabriel and I kicked off our Ascension Mastermind last week....and there's still time and space to join! This mastermind is for those who want to create an incredible, beautiful, awesome life with ease....with the guidance of your Soul or Higher Self.....with tools to shift through challenging times.....with loving support.....and with a grounded understanding of the Universal Laws available to us on this planet and in our human experience!

Click the following link to learn more and book a call to see if it's a good fit!!! ==>

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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