Subject: Monthly Insights and Soul Awakening Sunday

Hello beautiful!!! 

How are you? Have you been feeling the expansion-contraction energy that is surrounding us? For about a month now many clients, students, friends and I have been feeling a push-pull energy....a high-low vibe like the rising and falling tides of an ocean. Feeling one moment up, high, great.....the next moment low, confused, swimming in old pathways, patterns and emotions. 

As uncomfortable as this up and down, taffy-pull experience is....I 100% know that it's an opportunity to heal, cleanse and clear old pathways yet again. I feel like we're in a time where we can no longer hide our stuff or hide from our stuff. It is in our best interest and growth to face the "stuff" (the pain, the crap, the icky) and choose to release them. Not entertain them, not over-engage them, not over analyze them (unless you REALLY want to). It's time to release and cleanse them and refocus our energy to brighter shores and higher vision. (If you want support to cleanse and clear and refocus, please let me know.....I'm totally here to support you and your journey.....and I'm seeing clients again in person and by phone!!!)

In the meantime, I have a special meditation for help clear and reset: 
And remember that with every contraction or tightening (a healing love squeeze from the Universe) comes the release! And the release feels soooooooo GREAT! The release brings new energy, new ideas, a new version of self and new space for your higher self! 

In my world, the expansion moments have offered many beautiful happenings!!!!!!
Amazing, loving, joyful moments shared with miss Aria Sky....she is growing soooo fast! I can't believe she has been in her earth suit for over 3 months! I'm soooooo in love with this little munchkin!!!

Gabriel and I have our next Soul Awakening Sunday happening in Toronto this Sunday, July 10th from 2 - 3:30 at OM!

Last month we channeled through insights about Awakening the Soul, held a fun, light-hearted Soul Q&A and Gabriel led a relaxing meditation on accessing more light! I'm super excited to "see" what this Sunday's theme will be....and SUPER JOYFUL to share another Soul Expanding afternoon with those who can make it! 

Our intention to hold them monthly in Toronto!

"Your Soul Designed Life" radio show podcast is rolling along wonderfully with light-filled conversations with BIG-hearted guests!!!!

My latest episode featured the intuitively talented Heather Briggs of Radiate Reel!!! Heather and I connected a few years ago when she came in for a session and completed Reiki 2 and I saw her combining her background in marketing and branding and her intuitive gifts....Imagine sitting down to zero in on someone's branding and messaging and it includes a tarot card reading!?! What! AMAZING! 

And Heather has created a powerful and energy-aligned program....The 7 Brand Chakras!!!!!....and it enrolment is open until Monday! 

An 8-week online program for holistic and heart-centred entrepreneurs seeking greater clarity on their long-term goals and unique business message. Working from the inside-out, participants will learn how to use their intuition and creativity to awaken the soul of their brand and create a business that reflects their unique purpose, values and gifts.

Our Soul Awakening retreat is almost full and happening next weekend!!!! If you're interested, we have room for 2!

So many beautiful insights are flowing through around the retreat's theme.....Embody Your Full Potential! So many have dreams, ideas, wishes....and yet so very few actually live them or experience them as reality. This feels so sad....I know that feeling of living in limitation or feeling like "they" are only dreams. And I know what it feels like to live full out where dreams becoming reality are an every day experience! I want EVERYONE to know that feeling and experience!!! And I'm beyond grateful to guide those who have already said yes and will be joining us on the retreat!!!!!

If you're feeling the vibe......jump in! Say yes to a life soooooo frikken amazing!!!!! Message me to register! There's still time!!!!

And!!!!....I'm super excited to announce that I have been invited by Betsy Chasse (director of What the Bleep do We Know) to host a new blog and video segment in "Meaningful Mom Magazine"!!!! 

I'll be sharing conscious tips around mommy-hood.....and brining miss Aria Sky into the videos as often as I can!!!! More details to follow when it launches!

Who knew this much contraction could bring this much expansion!!!!! I say this and share this because it's allllllllllll worth it! All the constriction, all the contractions, all the bumps, all the pains of growth are totally, 100% worth the expansion and goodness that follows!!!!!

Stay on course! And know that you are soooooooo sooooooo sooooooo loved and supported every step of the way! You are on a wondrous path of discovery, self mastery and soul expansion here on earth!!!!! You are amazing! You are worth every bit of goodness that exists! You are brilliantly gifted with soooooo much light to share with the world! 

Time to step in and UP!!!!!!!

MASSIVE LOVE your way!!!!!
Tara Antler
Author of "The Healing Manual - A Guide to Healing"
body-mind-spirit expert, intuitive, love-ignitor, international speaker, meditation facilitator, soul coach

647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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