Subject: Monthly IN-sights! And Your Time on the Planet!

Hi Friend!!!!
Happy 1st of April! We are also celebrating our daughter Aria's 3rd birthday today! I can't believe she's already 3! She is such a blessing and light in our life.....and has an incredible power that's going to positively rock this world! I'm soooooo grateful for her presence!

I wanted to pop in quickly before our festivities begin with our little angel and share some of the powerful insights that I've been receiving!

One of my favourite Uncles passed away a few days ago. It was shocking as he was only 65, strong, healthy, happy, active and such a bright, loving light in this world. His heart completed its last beat as he was doing one of his most favourite things....playing hockey. I think you know that I can see, hear and communicate with those passed on.....? My uncle has popped in several times over the last few days to share love, messages to soothe aching hearts and offer insights that are powerful reminders in life....and I felt called to share some BIG ones...that often echo from many souls whom I've "chatted" with from the other side.....

"Life can surprise you. Life can be short. And we just never know when the last tick of the heart will be. Don't wait to live. Don't wait to be happy. Don't wait to do the things that bring you joy. Surround yourself with loved ones. Do the things that light you up. Take steps toward and engage in activities that bring about fulfillment. And don't forget to have fun and live full out!"

These were direct words from my uncle! He was a living, walking, breathing example of this! He lit up the room when he entered. He never held back on traveling, learning, growing, loving the people in his life, playing, doing things he loved, laughing, joking, smiling, exploring and having adventures big and small.

As I feel into brings to my awareness the areas of life that I've been holding back on.....AND more importantly....the feeling or pull within to just go for it! Just do it! Live full out! Play full out! Enjoy life fully and completely! Love as BIG as I can! And laugh as often as I can!

I hope that these words of wisdom touch your heart and life in some way and encourage you to live and play and love full out! To take steps towards the areas of life that call you, inspire you and ask you to elevate in! Life really flies by quickly....and we really never know when our last beat will come. So why not play full out? Why not love full out? Why not expand and grow as big as we can NOW?!

Sending MASSIVE love your way! Have a sweet and soulful day today!
P.S. I received soooooooo many beautiful messages from over 200 hundred people....sharing what they want to learn, how they want to grow and vulnerable personal stories about what's happening in their lives. I am truly grateful! A I send you soooooooo much healing, light, love and support. May your life and heart be filled to overflow.

And soulfully as a result, the following offerings have sprung UP! Just like offerings tailored to and for YOU! With ALL of YOU in mind and heart! To help you grow, expand, release, shift and shed....and ultimately create more freedom, ease, flow, clarity and happiness in your life!

As you read through the offerings....I recommend that you listen with the FULL YOU....the whole YOU! Listen with heart, listen to the inner nudge from your Soul and listen to your know that inner feeling that says, "YES!" and then take a step forward! Your inner YES is a soul-indication as to what would serve YOU BEST RIGHT NOW! That will help you grow and elevate NOW!
6-week LIVE online Discover Your Purpose Course (play-shop)
  • weekly online video classes for 90 min (this will be the ONLY time I teach this live)
  • weekly soul-play to engage heighten your awareness, intuition and alignment with your purpose
  • 1 private Soul-Session with me to explore further the inner workings of YOU....the FULL YOU, the higher YOU, the purpose-aligned you! We'll uncover and refine your personal purpose that is calling to you NOW!
  • live Q&A on each call
  • recording of all classes and sessions so that you can revisit
  • intuitively guided meditations each week to access your purpose and passion with ease....and energy-work streamed to you in each class to awaken your purpose energetically and cellularly....right down to your DNA!
Discover your Life's Purpose in this lifetime! How to stay engaged in your Soul's Calling! And what the difference is between Soul Purpose, Life's Purpose, Life Theme and what Passion has to do with Your Purpose!

The theme for each week.....
1. Soul purpose - the soul is vast and has many ways that it can express. 

2. Higher Self Purpose (what we call Life's Purpose) - this is the one that we're all obsessed with here.....trying to find....wanting to search of.

3. Daily purpose - it's up to you how you want to live, play and exist each day! You have that much free will and power!

4. Life themes - discover your life theme, how it plays out or into your life. And how to use this life theme to align with your Life's Purpose

5. Expression of purpose - how your purpose presents, when and how it evolves with life changes!

6. Passion - how passion will lead you to your path of purpose! How to access passion and keep your purpose on point!

We begin in 2 weeks!
Monthly Meditation Masterclasses - online-live
- The next one is all about Forgiveness -
  • this week I'll be adding a calendar on my website with the monthly theme and date
  • you can pre-pay for the next 9 months (which will save you moola) or pay-as-go
  • you'll get a recording of the class
  • and if you've attended a masterclass with me know that they are intuitively guided, masterfully packed with insights, tools and info, and always include live Q&A and a meditation to tie together and ground all that we covered in the class!
Expanded Intuition - A 6 -week intuition-play-shop!!!
  • designed to help increase and sharpen your intuition on every level!
  • will help you connect deeper to your guides, angels and higher self!
  • It's one of my favourite courses that I taught live in Toronto....and everyone loved it sooooo much that they asked me to make it avail as a self-study flow!

Tara Antler
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

I so appreciate you being a part of this loving and soulful community! Being a part of this community gives you exclusive access to "IN-sight letters" and abundant goodness to elevate your life! You also have full choice in being a part of this community, and if you no longer resonate with the content, you can easily remove yourself from our emails. Of course we will miss you, and we understand. Blessings all around : )
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