Subject: Meditation & Your Family!

Hi beautiful! Are you having a loving day?
Have you meditated today yet???

I'm emailing to share with you...Part 2 of my Meditation Series!
Meditation and Children (your family)

Two of the most precious moments in our day with the kiddos are......snuggles and cuddles....and meditating with them!

My heart actually smiles when I see them sit down with us, cross their little legs, bring their little hands in prayer to their heart.....and then chant OM with their sweet little voices!

Sooooooo precious and beautiful!

The coolest thing is.....Gabriel and I didn't teach them this! They may have seen us meditate when they were toddlers and retained the memory. Or perhaps their cells and consciousness just being in the womb...meditating with me every day while they were in utero. Or maybe their higher consciousness and individualized expression of light just knows this stuff!!!

I feel it's all of it!

When children and youth learn to meditate.....sooooooo MANY magical things happen for them!

They learn a powerful and easy way to navigate BIG emotions and moments in life!

They learn how to self-regulate their body and nervous system.

They feel connected to something bigger. (we say Source / Creator / God / The Divine)

They feel happy within minutes of sitting and just breathing!

They get to see the power of their mind and imagination...and keep their imagination open, active and well!

Their immune systems strengthen and body repairs!

They feel confident and access clarity as they have more cycles around the sun...and have more things to think about or consider in life!

There are sooooo many other benefits to children and youth learning to meditate!
As a parent we want our children to be happy, healthy, vibrant, confident, loved and valued! We want them to have EVERYTHING they need to live an exceptional life!

As a parent, when you learn how to meditate powerfully.....and learn how to craft meditations that resonate with set a beautiful example for your family! They see you meditating and see and feel the effects....and they get curious! You don't have to force them to meditate. It's something that they gravitate toward.....It's like a magnetic pull to centre and connect!

And when that moment happens....wouldn't it be amazing to have the tools, wisdom and grounded practices to pass on to them?!?!?!

This is one of the key areas we're going to focus on in this year's live training of Ascension Meditation Certification!!!! We start tonight at 8 pm EST!

If you're curious and want to join us (!!!!) me ASAP and I'll send you the information!!!

BIG hugs, tons of light and happy meditating as a family!
P.S. If you want to check out a beautiful video we created and had edited last a family and meditation....I highly recommend clicking this link:
intuitive healer, spiritual guide & teacher, love-ignitor, international speaker
Expert Mentor in "Leap" Documentary (The Coaching Movie) & Author of "The Healing Manual"

647. 991. 9366

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler

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