Subject: Listening to your own inner truth & wisdom....

Good afternoon!

I hope your NEW year is unfolding beautifully and with ease. The energy this year is fabulous and's a "9" year in numerology! Which is completion of cycles, and completion of ideas, projects and dreams that have been on the back-burner! 9 is the number of Universal love, eternity, faith, Universal Spiritual Laws, completing "karma", spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, service to humanity, humanitarianism, doing "work" that is in alignment with "light", leading by positive example, philanthropy and the philanthropist, destiny, finding and living one's life purpose and soul mission (!!!!), generosity, living with a higher perspective, and living from your intuition.

My question for you......what are you doing to:
  • tap into your Soul's Purpose or what I like to call the Soul's Design (TM)?
  • increase your intuition so that you can listen to the inner, most spiritual call?learn about Universal Spiritual Laws and how they can work for you to create a life of awesomeness?
  • strengthen your spiritual awakening?

If you're not sure where to start we have several things going on at the top of this year that helps with each of these areas:

I could on and on!!!! Since the age of 14 I have been awakening spiritually and since 19 I've been ever-listening and living into my Soul's Design and Purpose! I know how amazing, beautiful, powerful and wonderful it is to live this way and I'd LOVE for YOU to know the same!!! We are here to be of service and help you connect to your inner wisdom, light, destiny, soul mission, intuition and actually live it now!!!!!

And to get you started....if you haven't tapped into my

FREE "Align with Your Soul's Design" online class can still login and access the recording and "Soul Steps Planner"!!!! It was a fabulous class that helps you tap into your higher "goals" for 2016!!!!

It's time to listen to our INNER TRUTH & WISDOM!

Yesterday I had a HUGE reminder pop important it is to listen to your own inner truth and wisdom. We were at the midwives talking about our home-birth plan...and we were quickly bombarded with the idea of "pain management", "what-if-scenarios" and other fear-based questions. I felt myself sweating and not feeling aligned or so good inside. I could feel some other force entering into my awareness....ego....fear....not ease. Each time I have left their office feeling sad, deflated, like something's wrong or I "should" be worrying more about this pregnancy. My regular days during this entire 7 months has mainly been trusting, loving, nurturing, grateful and bathing in the miracle of life being created within me. My soul's wisdom has been strong and clear....."You have birthed many babies over eternity. Your body and soul knows what to do. Your female body has been encoded with the information how to create and deliver a baby. Continue to trust. This soul is developing exactly as she needs to. Tap into the Universal wisdom of birthing babies."

When I plug into truth, I feel GREAT! I feel EMPOWERED! I feel CALM.

At what point in this journey did we loose our way and stop listening to our inner truth....our own inner wisdom? Have we given over to the "how-to" manuals as the only truth? Have we given so much of our VAST, AWESOME POWER over to the intellect and medical processes that we've lost our connection to what we KNOW deep inside us? And I'm not just referring to pregnancy. I feel this has been the case across many themes.

We have forgotten that we've all had thousands of lifetimes and have existed for eons. And each of those lifetimes are stacked full of insights, wisdom, teachings and experiences. We forget that we are all connected and tapped into a Universal flow of energy....that is infinite, all a massive data bank of information (some refer to as the Akashic Records) that we all equally have access to.

It is a STRONG call within me this year to continue to live in alignment with the Soul's wisdom and help others do the same! It is time we plugged back into the infinite, the divine, the all-knowing wisdom that we all can tap into always! And some great tips to help you begin to do this.....

Take the inward journey and begin listening.....
  • How do you feel in any given moment?
  • How do you feel when you are given a piece of information? Great? Or not so great? (one represents your truth and the other is something else all together)
  • What lights you up? What has you feeling good?
  • What path create a feeling a ease and trust?

Some of my favourite tools for strengthening your inner listening:
  • Meditation (we have a FREE 21-Day Meditation Journey launching in February!!! Stay tuned...)
  • Increase your intuition.....learn tools to tap into your inner dialogue and voice. (Expanded Intuition Course starts in 2 weeks if you're interested!)
  • Spend time in nature...tap back into the natural alignment of life and energy.
  • Yoga and Qi Gong helps you still the mind and reconnect you to an inner focus.

I have been personally plugging back into these tools DAILY while going through the final trimester of pregnancy. And thankfully I have been receiving external affirmation to support the choices I'm making.....finding AMAZING prenatal videos on YouTube that are Kundalini Yoga Based and a dear goddess soul sister (Hillary Faye) gifted me an amazing book: "Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful". One of my favourite things Gurmukh said, "Each pregnancy and body is as different and unique as each tree in the forest. You cannot expect them to be the same. It is time to honour this and the wisdom that you carry as a woman." And, "When you enter into labour, all logic, all rational mind, all intellect goes out the window. You then must connect to your soul and body wisdom to intuitively carry you through." YES!!!!! This is exactly what I've been feeling and knowing!!!!!

Imagine if we applied to wisdom to every area of life?! How powerfully and beautifully we'd all be living!!!!

I hope that you find and access your own inner truth and power this year!!! And create a life that bountiful, beautiful and blissful!!!!!!


647. 991. 9366

Facebook: tara.antler
Twitter: @taraantler

"Let your life be the greatest expression of creativity possible!!! You are truly GREAT! A grand magician of your reality!!!" - tara antler
2230 Jans Blvd, L9S 2A8, Innisfil, Canada
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